If you work with blockchain technology, you are probably asked this question all the time:" How do you keep up-to-date on industry news? "
And to be honest, it is difficult to give a coherent answer.
The blockchain industry is constantly changing … It is not a space with many long lasting definitive printing media. Blockchain for Dummies was obsolete from the time it was printed.
Information is a challenge.Everyone wants to know what's new and where the discoveries come from in the constant flow of news can be time-consuming, draining and counterproductive.
That's why it's best to get information from the initial source: a blog, a thought leader, a founder, press releases, and other news directly from a government company or agency, double-checking stories Thinking twice about unknown sources can also help ensure that what you read, hear and share is the real deal.
Here's how you can help ensure that the news you consume is ali and accurate:
1. Look at the thought leaders in space.
Even people in the blockchain industry may have trouble understanding whether the news, or even the companies, are legitimate or not.
To avoid falsehood as much as possible, obtain information from people who have been in the industry since the beginning. They should have a track record to support their claims. An easy way to start cultivating a reliable news ecosystem is to follow the companies and founders that interest you on various channels.
Media and Twitter are useful and productive channels to get news and insights directly from the source. This is where many of the thought leaders you may want to follow post news and reflections on the blockchain industry.
To begin, look to Michael Casey and Paul Vigna, the authors of The Age of Cryptocurrency and The Truth Machine: The Blockchain and the Future of All . So, consider Laura Shin of Unchained, Kelly Weaver of Melrose PR, Nick Szabo, Caitlin Long, all reliable sources for what is happening in various areas of the blockchain space.
Remember, you still have to be on guard for fake accounts that offer misleading or incorrect information and news. There have been fake accounts created for thought leaders in the past, so be careful when you start following someone.
2. Use social media for hectic news, but watch out for misinformation and hacks.
Social media is a great way to stay up to date on the news "while it's happening". But the danger inherent in these platforms is obvious, not all the news you see on social media are actually true.
In some cases, there are small errors and inconsistencies that can add up to a misleading account of what is happening. But there are also many trolls and fake accounts that deliberately try to manipulate what people see online.
Twitter understands it and is shot down . They suspended 70 million accounts only in May and June, with others scheduled in the coming months. And Facebook is under pressure to change policies and pays heavy fines to share misleading content.
Unfortunately, online communities and social media sites present more risks than simple "false news".
You need to be careful with account hacks, malicious links and even coordinated market manipulations. It is not unusual for people online to sensationalize a company or attempt to manipulate the price of a cryptocurrency for their own personal gain.
The best practice is to take the latest news with a pinch of salt. And if you're not sure of any of the information you see on your feed, wait to double check its veracity.
3. Refer to multiple publications to check corporate news and information.
A new study conducted by MIT researcher Soroush Vosoughi came to a conclusion that was a bit depressing, if not surprising: false information travels faster than the truth on social media.
While there are a lot of bad actors working to spread misinformation, there are ways to help counter the problem. Verifying information before sharing must become a standard, and the best way to do this is to get a second, or even a third and a fourth opinion.
Cross reference to different publications and sources is the simplest and most effective way to find inconsistencies in the news. You can get some news from Twitter or Reddit, but it's a good idea to look elsewhere for confirmation. Try to check Medium for posts related to what is happening, but also look at the main publications that build fact-checking in their process. A controlled article is much more reliable and will have absolutely links or explanations of origin on where the information was originally published.
Honestly, it is not easy to stay up-to-date in an area that is evolving as quickly as blockchain – especially because its rise coincided with that of false news and online propaganda. However, a strong dose of skepticism and the habit of controlling multiple sources are the best ways to combat falsehoods while remaining at the forefront of space.
If you're looking to start following thought leaders on Twitter, here's a few handles to get started: & nbsp; @srolondon, @andreatinianow, @mvparadigm, @ariannasimpson, @cryptokelley, @e_rossiello, @jutta_steiner, @daltonan, @josh_blockchain, @ambresoub, @leanne_kemp, @iam_preethi, @satisgroup, @jalak and @carol_vancleef. (Full disclosure, you can also follow my updates on @iamsamsterdam).
If you work with blockchain technology, you're probably asked this question all the time: "How do you keep up-to-date on industry news?"
And to be honest, it's hard to give a consistent answer
The blockchain industry is constantly changing. It is not a space with many long and definitive print media available. Even one of the first Blockchain for Dummies had expired when it was printed.
Information is a challenge. Everyone wants to know what's new and where the discoveries come from. But being sucked into the constant turmoil of news can become wasteful in terms of time, draining and counterproductive.
That's why it's best to get information from the initial source, a blog, a thought leader, a founder, press releases and other news directly from a company or a government agency. Double-checking stories and reflecting twice on unknown sources can also help to ensure what you read, hear and share is the real deal.
Here's how you can help ensure that the news you consume is timely and accurate:
1. Look at the thought leaders in space.
Even people in the blockchain industry may have trouble understanding whether the news – or even a company – is legitimate or not.
To avoid falsehood as much as possible, obtain information from people who have been in the industry since the beginning. They should have a track record to support their claims. An easy way to start cultivating a reliable news ecosystem is to follow the companies and founders that interest you on various channels.
Media and Twitter are useful and productive channels to get news and insights directly from the source. This is where many of the thought leaders you may want to follow post news and reflections on the blockchain industry.
To begin, look to Michael Casey and Paul Vigna, the authors of The Age of Cryptocurrency and The Truth Machine: The Blockchain and the Future of All . So, consider Laura Shin of Unchained, Kelly Weaver of Melrose PR, Nick Szabo, Caitlin Long, all reliable sources for what is happening in various areas of the blockchain space.
Remember, you still have to be on guard for fake accounts that offer misleading or incorrect information and news. There have been fake accounts created for thought leaders in the past, so be careful when you start following someone.
2. Use social media for hectic news, but watch out for misinformation and hacks.
Social media is a great way to stay up to date on the news "while it's happening". But the danger inherent in these platforms is obvious, not all the news you see on social media are actually true.
In some cases, there are small errors and inconsistencies that can add up to a misleading account of what is happening. But there are also many trolls and fake accounts that deliberately try to manipulate what people see online.
Twitter understands it and is knocked down . They suspended 70 million accounts only in May and June, with others scheduled in the coming months. And Facebook is under pressure to change policies and pays heavy fines to share deceptive content.
Unfortunately, online communities and social media sites present more risks than simple "false news".
You need to be careful with account hacks, malicious links and even coordinated market manipulations. It is not unusual for people online to sensationalize a company or attempt to manipulate the price of a cryptocurrency for their personal gain.
The best practice is to take the latest news with a pinch of salt. And if you're not sure of any of the information you see on your feed, wait to double check its veracity.
3. Refer to multiple publications to check corporate news and information.
A new study conducted by MIT researcher Soroush Vosoughi came to a somewhat depressing, if not surprising conclusion: false information travels faster than the truth on social media.
While there are a lot of bad actors working to spread misinformation, there are ways to help counter the problem. Verifying information before sharing must become a standard, and the best way to do this is to get a second, or even a third and a fourth opinion.
Cross reference to different publications and sources is the simplest and most effective way to find inconsistencies in the news. You can get some news from Twitter or Reddit, but it's a good idea to look elsewhere for confirmation. Try to check Medium for posts related to what is happening, but also look at the main publications that build fact-checking in their process. A controlled article is much more reliable and will have absolutely links or explanations of origin on where the information was originally published.
Honestly, it is not easy to stay up-to-date in an area that is evolving as quickly as blockchain – especially because its rise coincided with that of false news and online propaganda. However, a strong dose of skepticism and the habit of controlling multiple sources are the best ways to combat falsehoods while remaining at the forefront of space.
If you're looking to start following thought leaders on Twitter, here's a few handles to get started: @srolondon, @andreatinianow, @mvparadigm, @ariannasimpson, @cryptokelley, @e_rossiello, @jutta_steiner, @daltonan , @josh_blockchain, @ambresoub, @leanne_kemp, @iam_preethi, @satisgroup, @jalak and @carol_vancleef. (Full disclosure, you can also follow my updates on @iamsamsterdam).