3 Cases of use of spectral real life for Crypto and Blockchain technologies


November has begun, and Halloween is perhaps one of the events that the company associates with this month. All that is terrifying, cruel and ghostly becomes normal for those who like to celebrate these holidays.

Crypto users joined the celebrations, showing their best face in the world. A bearish market is perhaps the most terrifying event that many can imagine, so it is not uncommon for someone to disguise themselves for this reason.

We knew that someone had to come out with this idea and only a few minutes after searching the web, thanks to Coingrams we were able to get a "nice" representation of a "Bitcoin bearish 2018" costume:

However, even if memes and laughter are never lacking in the Bitcoin community, it is also true that people have found some real and gruesome uses for cryptographic coins.

Here we present 3 real and spectral cases for which people have used cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies:

3. WAVES: Tokenizing Yourself on the Blockchain:

Boris Akimov, a farmer and founder of the organic food company LavkaLavka, decided to name himself on the Waves platform so that those who buy their token have a certain amount of time.
Akimov comments naturally:

"We take a conservative estimate in which I have tokenize two days a week of my time … So this is 3,328 hours, or 12 million seconds So the plan is to create 12 million tokens, each of which can be redeemed for a second of my time and my abilities. "

Perhaps this is the less appalling application of the top; however, the future practical implications of actions such as this could be interesting. Comments on Bitcoin.com about it:

"A world in which spouses could make intimate their intimate time with their friends and friends meaningful, could give the opportunity to give advice on the relationships to their friends – billed by the second – it seems a hellish dystopia. ethical questions (Could you buy in your ICO? Could you shorten yourself and profit from your own indolence?) As an exercise in grasping the title, Akimov's latest achievement gains top marks. entrepreneurship, however, leaves a lot to be desired. "

His token can be found on Waves DEX: B3XuGipDviHtp2xnjyEC4zLsHqRknGVJuRBfnHyxcPEe

2. AUGUR: betting on the death of famous politicians or celebrities

Augur is a platform that promotes itself as a "market protocol based on oracles and decentralized forecasts." The idea is to propose an incentive for people to share their knowledge about a particular event, getting rewards for the positive results obtained losing money on some wrong analysis.

However, despite the strength of its concept, many people use the protocol as a mere betting platform, and since anything can happen, it was not long before bets worthy of a Halloween story arrived.

When the murder markets began to appear, the community showed concern. While some have considered that this market is not a big deal and it was simply an extra bet on the hundreds of options offered by the platform, others believe that knowing the current results of a bet could serve as an incentive for someone to actively try and. murder to get an economic advantage out of it.

1. BITCOIN: Hiring Hitmen On The Deep Web:

One thing is to bet on someone's death and another is to hire someone to kill them directly. While it is difficult to find a documented case of a contract that would be executed, a simple search on google is enough to get hundreds of results and screenshots with this type of ads posted on the Deep Web.

Although currently the "market" is not active as before (especially after closing important pages for the promotion of illegal activities such as Silk Road and Freedom Hosting), there are still websites in the Deep Web where you can hire a killer just like someone takes on a service to decorate their home.

"Anonymous clients privately publish Jobs and assign a hitman within the same country as the target …
Payment is guaranteed through an anonymous, zero risk: Bitcoin and Monero. "

Although these cases are exceptions to the rule, it is important to note that they represent an insignificant part of the real uses of cryptography, and although the world is evolving towards its massive adoption, legal currency is still the preferred option for criminals to be carry out their operations.

For the whole community, Happy Halloween! And undoubtedly at Christmas, there will be many sources for a similar article that explains the cases in which cryptocurrencies have served to make others happy and make a difference.

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