26 cases of COVID-19 confirmed at Frank W. Begley Public School


Confirmed cases of COVID-19 have increased exponentially at the Frank W. Begley Public School in Windsor; making it the largest school hotbed in the province.

The Greater Essex County District School Board sent home more than 430 students and staff members from the school at 1093 Assumption St. Tuesday after the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit declared an outbreak.

Three COVID-19 cases resulted in the school being closed, but the health unit has now identified 26 cases as of Sunday afternoon.

“At first you wonder, why three? Then it shows how quickly this virus spreads as more test results come in,” says Sharon Pyke, student welfare superintendent.

He says students will start learning from home as they self-isolate for 14 days on Monday mornings.

“We made sure the number of students requesting the devices had them and we had to make sure the staff had what they needed to start the program online,” he says.

Pyke says the board will take what it has learned to improve prevention and response procedures.

“We learned a lot while we were planning and will certainly adapt our procedures to make it smooth if we use it in the future,” he added.

Pyke thanked Windsor Regional Hospital for the staging five clinics for families and students to make testing as easy as possible.

It was also a new case of COVID-19 published on the council’s website Saturday at Sandwich West Public School in LaSalle.

The Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board is still negotiating an epidemic at the WJ Langlois Catholic Primary School in Windsor this resulted in the repatriation of staff and students on Friday.

Pyke plans to compare the notes with the Catholic council at the next meeting with the health unit.

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