I hope you had the chance to take my recent interview with the legendary investor Frank Holmes. We talked about the need for investors to look beyond the crypto-currencies in difficulty to understand the enormous potential of the blockchain – the "below" technology that makes encryption work.
What kind of potential? Well, I think – conservatively – that technology could have an impact on about $ 8 trillion global transactions
You see, the total GDP of the world is around 80 trillion dollars a year. And blockchain technology could eventually support everything you buy and sell.
But I'm only assuming that blockchain acquires a 10% market share of systems that have been archaic and obsolete for years.
Here's the thing. As startling as it may seem, trillions of dollars on the market each year are still based on shaky, less than totally secure computer networks and, in some cases, even on paper contracts!
Thanks in part to blockchain technology, everything is about to change. In style
That's why today I want to show you four areas where blockchain technology could add security and transparency and significantly reduce business costs. I think this could increase profits up to $ 21 billion only in 2019 – another "conservative estimate" – for innovative companies that use this technology.
This is the kind of "strategic information" that could make you look smart in your Christmas party at the office or at the next family reunion.
Better yet, use it wisely and could help you identify your next three-digit winners – and it will be even more fun to share them with friends and family.
So give a look …
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About the author
Michael A. Robinson he is one of the best financial analysts working today. His book "Overdrawn: The Bailout of American Savings" was a foreshadowing look at the anatomy of the nation's S & L crisis, long before the word "rescue" became part of our everyday vocabulary. He is a writer and journalist nominated for the Pulitzer Prize, praised by the Columbia Journalism Review for his aggressive style. His thirty-year experience as a leading technical analyst has also garnered rave reviews. Today he is the editor of the monthly newsletter dedicated to technical investment Nova-X report as well as Profits of radical technology, where it covers truly radical technologies – those that have the power to sweep the globe and change the very fabric of our lives – and the profit opportunities they give rise to. Explore also "what will happen" in the world of technological investments Strategic technological investor.
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