Ajit Tripathi, a partner of ConsenSys, where he works
development of global financial services, as well as corporate adventures
strategy. He gave a review of the last year and how will be the new year
for crypto while contributing with an article to CoinDesk.
Bitcoin (BTC) Price today – BTC / USD
Until June last year, attracting crypto engineers to develop a company product was a challenge. L & # 39; bait
of digital tokens was rampant. However, many people have learned thoroughly
the crypt boom of 13 months ago. Soon everyone in the digital resource
The ecosystem will be required to generate fiat profits or revenues in some way.
The year that has shaped the regulation of the asset class
In 2018, when encryption enthusiasts did not speak of the
drowning prices, the focus was on regulation. Christopher Giancarlo, the
President of the CFTC (Commodities Futures Trading Commission) last February
proposed year the implementation of a non-malicious approach regarding cryptography
Both aspects of the title debate were awakened by William Hinman, the SEC
(Securities and Exchange Commission) director of corporate finance. This happened after he declared in June that
he has come to understand that "decentralized
Ethereum network structure (ETH) and current offers and sales of
Ether tokens are not securities transactions. "
Regarding the political aspect, the European Commission
started a way by adopting a systematic approach that involved involvement with the
Community Blockchain through the European Union and the Blockchain Observatory
The ICO problem
The flow of news from last year has been dominated by merchants and bankers
that were lighting up. Many people were shocked when they discovered that ICO
he was hurting and because the majority
ICOs have been launched on Ethereum
Blockchain, others believed that ETH was "ded".
However, this belief was wrong.
All hope is not lost inside
this episode. It will be every token that has managed to survive a big boom
massively adopted in the next two decades as a core technology
mature and the platforms mentioned here scale. We have not scratched the
real use cases for technology. And Ethereum (ETH) is now a leader
platform because of its ecosystem that grows and accelerates constantly.
The year of the crypt
Joseph Lubin with DevCon4, and also the co-founder of the
Ethereum Blockchain, made his speech on the "killer ecosystem" for the new year.
However, pending the advent of a killer app for technology could
to be seen as a crazy task. The reason is that killer apps will not be killer apps
overnight. The best way is to exploit the creative power of businesses,
developers and investors.
To date, this could be the greatest achievement of Ethereum. In June of last year, the Central Bank of South Africa
while working on the Khokha Project, he discovered that a new payment system for
The wholesale prices built on the Ethereum Blockchain could process one-day interbank transactions in only two
Furthermore, SGX and the Singapore Monetary Authority
announced in September last year that they developed the DvP against delivery
payment) to manage the settlement of digital token resources on multiple Blockchain platforms. The
the public space of blockchain has begun to produce enterprise-level token tokens at an appropriate pace.
And finally, 45 stablecoin projects
He managed to raise $ 350 million in last November's November funding.