Monthly Archives: August 2018

What the hell is Blockchain, anyway? Notes of #Blockland

[ad_2][ad_1] click to enlarge Sam Allard / Scene Blockland Swagland, courtesy of Hotcard. An emerging problem for the vast array of Cleveland leaders who now promote blockchain evangelism as part of the so-called Blockland Initiative – a radical plan to make Cleveland the national epicenter for all things blockchain – …

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Three-quarters of health managers say they understand the blockchain, says Deloitte

[ad_2][ad_1] Written by Jessica Kim Cohen | 23 August 2018 | <a href = " component & print = 1 "data-tracking =" print "title =" Print Article < Three-quarters of healthcare execs say they understand blockchain, Deloitte says > "onclick =" (this.href, & # 39; win2 & # 39 …

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