10 things I wanted to know before joining Bitcoin, Ethereum and The Likes of It – BlockPublisher


When it comes to cryptocurrency, the biggest challenge you face is not being involved in the hype, but for some it may be too late. Frankly, we do not blame you because encryption has always been technological and for most people who are not geeks * points out *, it can be a difficult place to adapt.

Ask questions

Although it may seem simple, for many people it is not. Do not be afraid to ask questions, even if it is the stupidest question that anyone can think of, ASK. Who knows that someone else could look for the answer to this too. You are not only helping yourself but others as well.

In addition to this, ask yourself questions like; why are you making this investment? What interests you in the crypt; serious business or cryptic mania? Different people have different answers, so do not hesitate if you do not seem quite as serious as others.

Feel free to experiment

Trust me, whatever the reason you have, if it seems convincing, then it's a good reason. No one should tell you otherwise, but just be careful.

Carpe diem, child!

Enter the area

For those of you who are new, this is important. Get to know the cryptic world before diving right into it. Take your time to learn about different currencies and other things like, altcoin, token, etc., which are part of the crypt.

Timing is the key

Time is one of the most "precious" things in our lives and now also in the cryptic world. Once the sense of the industry has developed, the most important thing to remember, besides your money, is time.

The ticking of the clock!

You should know that the cryptography market is known for its volatility and the digital currency world has a fast pace, so if you want to keep up you have to keep track of your investments.

Do not be fooled

Many times, hackers are trying to attract people. And, mind you, they set very convincing traps so it's easy to become their next victim. Mostly they use schemes like the offer of free bitcoins, offering more bitcoins in exchange for a small amount, etc. So you should be careful and remember, the days have passed when you would have had free bitcoins.

It's super attractive

We all know how seductive the whole cryptic vision is. But sometimes the benefits can also turn against you, not literally, especially if you're not aware of it. Attractions such as lack of regulation by the state and decentralization are great offers, but it also means that there is a lack of security and that your investments can not be claimed. And although the Blockchain claims no one can joke, hackers are always a step ahead.

Do not bid above what you can lose

Risks run high in the encrypted market, so invest only what your pockets can afford. Always be cautious. Please do not mortgage your house, sell your car or pay all the savings of your life; you're just digging your own grave.

In it for the long haul

Crypto is advertised as a quick enrichment scheme but it is not. Do not look for short term earnings particularly if you do not have any previous experience in the fintech world.

Diversify your portfolio

Crypto is much more than Bitcoin and Ethereum. There are more than 1,600 different coins on the market. Expand your horizon through research. Also you do not have to be faithful to a currency, juggle with others.

Keep your investments under control

Pay attention when buying and considering future possibilities. The key to profitability is to buy low and sell high.

We do not mean to scare you. We care about your best interests and we're just looking for your partner!

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