[속보] Pfizer seeks approval for use of emergency vaccines from FDA-Dong-A Ilbo


  1. [속보] Pfizer requests urgent use of the vaccine from the FDADong-A Ilbo
  2. US Minister of Health “Pfizer Modena vaccine approved and distributed by end of December” / YTNYTN News
  3. Will the vaccine be a Christmas present? Vaccination begins as early as the end of the year in the United StatesChosun Ilbo
  4. Biontech CEO reiterated “Corona 19 vaccine availability in December” / YonhapnewsTVYonhap News TV
  5. FDA approval is also a problem … Fatal weakness of “unprecedented new technology” vaccine: JoongAng IlboJoongAng Ilbo
  6. View full content on Google News
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