[앵커]Claims are spreading that claims worth 6 trillion won will be paid to victims of the 4.3 billion Jeju accident, victims of domestic violence.
Although the standards differ, this is an astronomical amount compared to the total compensation of 250 billion won for those of merit for democracy on May 18.
Reporter Kang Jung-gyu confirmed if this is true.
[기자] [조우석 / 평론가 (지난 18일) : 제주 4.3을 둘러싼 돈 잔치가 벌어지고 있답니다. 화끈합니다. 무려 6조 원 가까운 천문학적 돈이 뿌려진다는 지적이 나오고 있습니다.]▲ Will you pay 6 trillion won as compensation for the 4 · 3 incident in Jeju?
As a result of the coverage of YTN, it was a false claim.
According to data estimated by the National Assembly Budget Office on the basis of the Amendment to Special Law 4.3 of July, the amount of compensation is 1.5 trillion won.
So on what grounds did the 6 trillion won claim emerge?
I tracked down the source of the quote
In the end, it is confirmed as the internal reference of the government.
[행정안전부 관계자 : 저희 내부적으로 (자료를) 갖고는 있는데, 공식적으로 공개하기는 곤란한 상황입니다.]However, the government’s estimated compensation amount was not 6 trillion won.
If the compensation is expanded due to the massacre of civilians in Geochang and No Gun-ri, the Federation of Press and the Yeosun incident, the necessary budget is KRW 4.4 trillion.
By the way, it’s not a number limited to “4 · 3 incidents”.
[이재승 / 제주4.3범국민위원회 법개정특위위원장 : 그건 한국 국가폭력 민간인 피해 여러 가지 다 포함해서 한 액수예요. 추계를 어떻게 했는지, (보상금) 안 줄려고 하니까 액수가 늘어난다고 저는 보거든요.]▲ ‘Namro Party Riot’ … Jeju Islander Lotto?
[조우석 / 평론가 (지난 18일) : 제주도민 3만 5천 명은 그야말로 로또를 맞는 것입니다. 제주 4·3이 뭡니까? 남로당 패거리들의 폭동입니다.]4.3 does not simply refer to the day the South Korean Workers’ Party began the armed struggle in Jeju in 1948.
It is a story of tragedy in which tens of thousands of civilians who fought in the process of repression by force were massacred until 1954.
The compensation bill that has been linked to the National Assembly for several years,
This is the least comfort that our society can offer to victims who have been deprived of their peaceful lives in the ideological confrontation.
This is YTN Kang Jeong-gyu.
Journalist: Jeonggyu Kang [live@ytn.co.kr]Intern reporter: Lee Soo-hyun [lsh1229@ytn.co.kr]
[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지] .
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