Zetacoin (ZET) Crypto 24h Volume Hits $ 21.727 as price makes it to $ 0.002385: Up 23.02 Percent from this time yesterday


Zetacoin (ZET) traded 23.02% over the dollar on the last day, ending at 11:30 pm on 24 August EST. Zetacoin currently has a total market cap of $ 402,036 and its 24-hour volume is around $ 21,727. Within the period of time in the last seven days, Zetacoin is equal to 17.37% compared to the dollar, with a variation of -1.01% over the last hour

Now look how similar crypts have been forged from yesterday to this hour:

  • EuropeCoin (ERC) is currently trading at $ 0.18 against the US dollar, a 10.35% exchange rate in the last 24 hours. The cost of ERC Bitcoins is currently 0.00002719 BTC.
  • Eroscoin (ERO) is now trading at $ 0.02 against the US dollar, a -5.47% change in the last 24 hours. The cost of ERO Bitcoins is currently 0.00000354 BTC.
  • Achain (ACT) is now trading at $ 0.04 against the US dollar, a 2.99% change in the last 24 hours. ACT Bitcoin cost is currently 0.00000528 BTC.
  • Sphere (SPHR) is currently trading at $ 0.44 against the US dollar, a 11.00% change in the last 24 hours. The cost of Bitcoins of SPHR is currently 0.00006484 BTC.

Zetacoin Data

Zetacoin has a total stock of 168,550,345 coins. It started on May 24, 2013.

Coming from cryptocompare.com: "Zetacoin is an open source cryptocurrency based on Bitcoin and SHA-256.It has faster transaction times and faster difficulty settings. of coins is 160 million coins, then an annual inflation of 1 million coins.The speed of the transaction is 20 times faster than that of Bitcoin.The currency can be exchanged on Bter, Cryptsy and Mintpal. "

Here are some useful links if you want to know more about Zetacoin:

ZET: Trading Info

Traders can buy ZET in commercial exchanges such as Cryptsy, Cryptopia, Nlexch, Yobit and BitTrex.

It is not always possible to instantly purchase cryptocurrencies like Zetacoin using US dollars. Market players hoping to get ZET may first need to get Bitcoin or ETH from an exchange that offers pairs of dollars like Coinbase and GDAX. Investors can then use this BTC or ETH to obtain Zetacoin using one of the exchanges described above.

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