The company called Lunarembassy, which has called itself the Lunar Embassy, has begun selling land on the Moon, our planet’s only satellite.
According to Independent news reports, the company requires $ 25 per acre (a unit of measurement, which is 0.4 acres per acre in the UK).
The owner of the company, Dennis Hope, says the sale he made on the website is legal and claims he has sold to millions of people to date.
So what do international agreements say about whether a country or company can sell land on the moon?
The United Nations (UN) treaty signed in 1967 states that no country can have any part of celestial bodies, including the Moon.
Under the text of the agreement concluded with the concern of nuclear weapons in space, more than one hundred countries have signed.
But despite this deal, the company insists on its claim to make its clients landowners in space.
Lunarembassy sells earth from the Moon, Mars, Mercury and other planets of the Solar System

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