Due to the fact that the increase in the number of people who will contract the seasonal flu with the cooling of the weather could negatively affect the fight against the coronavirus epidemic, 1.5 million doses of the flu vaccine have been imported in recent days. Speaking with Sözcü, Halis Yerlikaya, a member of the Central Council of the Turkish Medical Association (TTB), noted that the necessary preparations were not made in the corona outbreak and that the number ordered in the flu vaccine would not have met the need.
Claiming to have called the Ministry of Health to make the necessary preparations as a TTB in July regarding the need for vaccination, TTB Central Council member Yerlikaya said:
“After all, this is expected. We predicted that if the flu and the corona virus occur at the same time, some negative consequences could occur in that person. In this regard, we have stated that the necessary preparations should be made at the time of the flu shot and the process at this point should be managed well. The World Health Organization recommends daily flu shots for pregnant women, children aged 0 to 5, people aged 65 and over, people with chronic illnesses and health care workers. From the point of view of our country, in our country there are about 15 million people with chronic diseases, there are almost 1 million health workers. When you put all these people together, we see that the number of vaccines we need is too much. In previous years, people have intensely requested vaccination, as the flu vaccine was not widely available and during the pandemic process, there was a sensitivity about this vaccine. Cancer patients over the age of 65 are in the risk group and although these people also have diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, COPD, the ministry says people have been vaccinated or not, with a number of algorithms we don’t know how. do to these people. According to information we have obtained from our family doctor friends, there is a conclusion about the feasibility of the flu vaccine for very few people. Although they are in the risk group, it is claimed that most of their patients are not vaccinated. The necessary preparations could not be made in this regard and the process was not handled well. “

Halis Yerlikaya Member of the Central Council of the Turkish Medical Association (TTB) PHOTO: SÖZCÜ
Turkey is a country in the last year Yerlikaya noted that the vaccine can produce words as follows:
“But in 2011, Hıfzısıhha was completely closed. Why are we at this point on vaccination? We need to discuss it. Currently there when seen priority groups to be vaccinated at least 15 million for Turkey. But there is not enough vaccine for these groups, but there is no risk, but there is no vaccine. Citizens are confronted with health workers over the lack of vaccines. The citizen comes to the hospital and says he wants to be vaccinated, and when we say the vaccine has not been received, the citizen reacts to this situation. In this case, it stands before us as a title that paves the way for violence in health. From the point of view of the World Health Organization, the number of vaccine risk groups in need of Turkey says they must be at least 30 million. There are 7.5 million people over the age of 65, about 14 million people under the age of 65 with chronic diseases. When we add 1 million health workers to these, the number of vaccines that should be at least approaching 30 million. But first of all you have to have the vaccine for Turkey at half this figure so that it can inoculate people who are in the risk group. “
Evaluating the increase in cases in recent weeks, Yerlikaya said: “When we look at the increase in cases in the Corona outbreak, we have discovered how justified the warnings we have been making since the beginning of the trial were. The crown burst process was not carried out transparently, our first emphasis from day one was the call to be transparent in the number of cases. We had to ask questions like in which provinces the number of cases increases and what increases the risk of transmission with the data so that we can be successful in this fight. However, the data released on the coronavirus outbreak in Turkey does not represent reality. Therefore, at this point, we said that the data was hidden, and we were evaluating the number of cases based on the information we have received from the field and the data expressed by our colleagues in the past. At present, we believe this process is not being managed well. We entered in the autumn, the weather began to get colder, people find themselves more at home. All these things are all over the world as we know we come together in the face of the increase in the number of these cases in Turkey. At this point, the point we underline is that it is not enough to be successful in this process with social distance, hygiene rules and warnings to wear a mask by placing the responsibility for this process only on the citizen. What needs to be done is to develop an integrated policy. Part of holistic politics is the level of society. “Scientists’ warnings must be heeded, the process made transparent, social support provided, social support provided and the health of health workers improved for society to comply with quarantine and isolation rules.”
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