Xiaomi overtook Apple in smartphone sales in the last quarter


Xiaomi to depășit Apple

Xiaomi overtook Apple in smartphone sales last quarter. The industry as a whole is recovering from the pandemic.

The smartphone market is starting to stabilize, as a result things have changed slightly. Gartner estimates that Xiaomi overtook Apple in phone sales in the third quarter of 2020. Thus, from 32.9 million phones sold last year (8.5% of the market) it reached 44.4 million (12.1%) this summer. Apple also gained a share, but its sales of 40.6 million iPhones fell slightly from 2019.

Samsung remained at the top of the chart with 80.8 million sales (22%). Huawei went from 65.8 million phones sold to just 51.8 million, but that’s not surprising. Especially when we take into account the U.S. trade bans hindering the company’s mobile phone business, it was to be expected that Huawei would see a decrease.


Gartner added that the entire smartphone landscape is in better shape than in early 2020. Although sales have fallen by another 5.7%, this can be seen as a good thing compared to the 20% decline in smartphones. . first and second quarter of the year. Conditions “Almost normal” China contributed to the recovery of production and there were also signs of recovery of the markets in Asia-Pacific and Latin America.

As for the growth of Xiaomi, several factors contributed. In addition to the best conditions in China, Xiaomi has taken advantage of Huawei’s decline. Meanwhile, Apple delayed the launch of the iPhone 12 until October and missed the usual hike since September. Hence, the fourth quarter results may differ. Of course, we will come back with an analysis on this subject when we have the new figures.

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