Thanks to the news from Gizchina, we answered that question that stayed in mind just when Xbox Series X was released So while the most logical option overseas is Xbox Series X, what’s the situation in our country? We have given the answer to this question for you.
The day we have been waiting for for months has come and Sony he the Microsoftstarted counting the days to release the next generation game consoles. As gamers, of course, we are waiting for new consoles with growing curiosity. On the other hand, players have an important question in mind: Is it cheaper if I take back a PC?
Of course, at this point, it’s not the difference between console and PC games. for our own money we focus. Today is a post that will give us an idea of this Gizchina It was made by. Gizchina, in the news he shared, explained how much we need to experience the performance of Xbox Series X on PC and the difference between them.
Xbox Series X or PC build?
First of all, it would be best to start our word with a surprising truth. Gizchina, following its analysis, is a PC capable of offering the performance of the Xbox series at least 70% more expensive revealed that. The equipment created by Gizchina really burned the pockets and the most suitable pieces were chosen.
According to the news, in order to achieve Xbox Series X level performance. to a good eight-core processor we need. AMD Ryzen 7 3700X processor he was quite suitable for this task. In addition, an SSD with a PCIe 4.0 and AMD Radeon RX 6800 or NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 The video cards should have been on our computer. When only these parts were tabulated, the result was as follows:
- AMD Ryzen 7 3700X: That’s $ 300
- AMD Radeon RX 6800 / NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080: $ 580 / $ 700
- 1 TB SSD with PCIe 4.0 interface: $ 200
Just this even three pieces out of the player’s pocket $ 1,200 he was letting him out. Also, components such as the computer motherboard, cooling system, case and power supply were not included in this account. If it is Microsoft’s Xbox Series X game console Priced at $ 500 had. Hence the total difference Close to 70% it was happening.
The massive dimensions of NBA 2K21 revealed on Xbox Series X
So how is the situation in Turkey?
Microsoft Xbox Turkey X series price 9,299 TL as explained. When we calculate the price with the same hardware that Turkey is going, Gizchina proposed the table as follows:
- AMD Ryzen 7 3700X: En the 3.070 TL
- AMD Radeon RX 6800 / NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080: TR price is unknown / At least 9,000 TL
- 1 TB SSD with PCIe 4.0 interface: En is 2,000 TL
Sum of three tracks on PC: 14,070 TL
As you can see, unfortunately the picture does not change in our country. The difference is that in our country, with the addition of all the necessary components. Potential to withstand 70% owner. At this point, the choice depends on your purpose. obviously if you only think about a game Xbox Series X ya from PlayStation 5 the most logical choice it seems
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