X FACTOR, November 6. Andrei Gheorghe’s daughter, in front of the jurors. What followed on Antena 1 / photo


He had his first contract with a record company at the age of 15, and tonight, from 8.30 pm, on Antena 1, he is trying his luck on the X Factor stage.

Katarina Dyer, the daughter of Andrei Gheorghe, describes herself as extremely optimistic and energetic, even though her life has been marked by several dramas in recent years.

“My mother and father combined so perfectly, I’ve never seen so much energy in two people! Nothing could compare to that feeling. My mother was very emotional and Andrei was very funny, relaxed, he was in a way what I wanted to be! I was a very energetic house, there were always parties, friends of her painters, writers came, she was super full of life until the last moment. What happened was spontaneous so I think she wanted to, honestly, that he was a strong man and with his mind he did a lot of things, and if he felt that this was the moment, that was, “said Katarina, who recently lost her mother as well. “She died of cancer seven months ago, she was four, she was very strong, and the song I was about to play was her favorite, she always asked me to sing it, and I didn’t feel like it. I thought about singing it, maybe now she can hear me. “, Katarina confessed in front of the X Factor juries.

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How the four jurors will evaluate his performance, but also what will go on the X Factor stage, viewers will find out this evening, from 8.30 pm, on Antena 1, in a new edition of the new season.


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