Worms found in the stomach of a New Delhi patient


Worms, a type of parasite, in the stomach are common in the tropics and subtropics. As well as in places with poor health systems and a lack of access to hygiene products. While in the US or Europe they are not as common, in regions such as India they are extremely easy to find. That’s why having a parasite patient wouldn’t be weird, but in this case they were in the wrong place.

New Delhi doctors were surprised by a 20-year-old patient who came to the emergency room why had abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting with one day’s treatment, as explained in ScienceAlert. Up to that point the young man was in good health, he had no relevant medical conditions.

Parasite in the stomach

To find out more about what was wrong, the doctors decided to run a file blood analysis. In this first test, they saw two things. On the one hand, a high level of white blood cells, which usually means infection. But also high levels of hemoglobin, a protein in the blood that carries oxygen. This factor is generally associated, among other things, with dehydration. This would correspond to the diarrhea and vomiting presented by the patient, as it is normal to become dehydrated if you cannot drink anything.

They then decided to create a file ultrasound in the area of ​​the inferior vena cava to check fluid levels in blood vessels. And that’s where the surprise came. They found tubular structures moving in his stomach. So they thought it was probably some kind of worm (parasite) that ended up in the stomach.

The CDC estimates that between 800 and 1.2 billion people have this parasite in the intestinal tract

At that point, they asked the patient for a stool sample to pinpoint what type of parasite it was and then be able to give him the appropriate treatment. Ascaris lumbricoides eggs were found in the juvenile’s feces. It is an intestinal parasite that it can reach 35 centimeters and is one of the most common worms in humans, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It is so common that between 800 and 1.2 billion people are estimated to have this parasite in the intestinal tract. But in this particular case, it had grown in the stomach.

The young man was prescribed pesticides and was fired the next day. In a review, a week later, the patient explained this he felt better and had expelled the worms from his stomach in the stool, as explained by doctors in their publication in the New England Journal


In areas where these worms are common, be very careful why patients can become infected by eating eggs in fruits and vegetables. Especially in those that are grown in contaminated soils. Infection can also occur if dirt is touched with the hands and not washed off.

More, And how does soil contamination occur? One way the soil can become infected with these eggs is in areas where human feces are used as fertilizer.

To avoid contagion, it is very important wash your hands with soap and water before handling food. In addition to washing, peeling or cooking all the vegetables before eating them. It is also essential to avoid contact with the soil in case it becomes contaminated with feces.

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