World diabetes day: can we cure type 2 diabetes?


World diabetes day: can we cure type 2 diabetes?

Friday 13 November 2020 at 11:12

Rabat – On the occasion of the celebration of World Diabetes Day (November 14), MAP contacted two experts, the endocrinologist and professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy in Rabat, Dr. Hinde Iraqi and Dr. Réginald Allouche, nutritionist and engineer biomedical, to enlighten us on the topic of prevention and treatment of this disease.

Morocco has 2.5 million diabetics and to combat this disease, the Ministry of Health has included diabetes as a priority in its Health Plan 2025 and in the National Strategy for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases 2019-2029, implementing several efforts , following a multisectoral approach.
Q: can type 2 diabetes be cured?

For Dr. Iraqi, significant weight loss through bariatric surgery (obesity surgery) has shown in studies that there can be remission of type 2 diabetes. The only treatment for type 1 diabetes is insulin. The primary treatment for type 2 diabetes is diet and physical activity, but oral and injectable medications are essential in some cases.

For his part, Dr. Allouche believes that there is no cure for type two diabetes.

There have been some publications in the UK which have shown that “if we had been on a diet with less than 600 calories a day, we could have stopped diabetes, but once we get back to the same consumption we will recover our diabetes.”

These figures are unconfirmed and the plans employed are extremely restrictive.
Q: Can we prevent it?

“Type 2 diabetes is often asymptomatic and requires screening with no clinical signs.” It will be done in patients whose families have type 2 diabetes or obese patients, says Dr. Iraqi.

“We can’t avoid or prevent type 1 diabetes, but a healthy lifestyle, avoiding obesity especially in predisposed patients, can be interesting.”

For his part, Dr Allouche says we need to continue to focus on preventing type 2 diabetes.

“We now know that prevention costs 40 times less than curing the disease and everything must be done to ensure that prevention is effective.”

We should really take advantage of this day to insist on type 2 diabetes prevention because we cannot prevent type 1 diabetes “because it is an autoimmune disease”.

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