With the new consoles Microsoft and Sony are competing for the favor of the players. The Xbox celebrated its premiere in Germany nine days ago, now the Playstation is following suit. Since the console is only sold online, potential buyers have queued virtually this time.

In the crown crisis, buyers of the new Playstation 5 have to queue virtually. Photo: – / kyodo / dpa (Image: dpa)
(Photo: – / kyodo / dpa)
Berlin – The launch of the new Sony Playstation 5 gaming console overwhelmed online retailers on Thursday. Many potential buyers have only seen error messages.
“Since the Playstation 5 is only available online, requests are currently crushing our server,” electronics retailer chain Euronics said. Even Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, which is also a leading cloud provider, has repeatedly run into technical limitations and showed players the “error code 503” instead of the coveted console.
While searching for “Playstation 5”, electronics giants Saturn and MediaMarkt did not show the console itself, only compatible accessories or games. With competitor Mediamax, potential buyers haven’t even gone that far. “Dear visitor, due to maintenance work, our website www.medimax.de is unfortunately not available at the moment”, he said succinctly.
The corona pandemic had fueled demand for computer games in recent months. Additionally, Microsoft Xbox and Sony Playstation have been completely redesigned for the first time since 2013. Contrary to the situation seven years ago, it is no longer primarily about computer games sold on silver discs, but about the dominance of “cloud gaming” , that is, streaming games from the Internet.
In Japan, around 118,000 copies of the Playstation 5 were delivered within the first four days of sales starting on November 12, according to trade magazine Famitsu. Sony was able to sell more than 300,000 copies of the Playstation 4 in early 2013. However, the Playstation had already been sold in other countries at the time, so a larger contingent was available for Japan. Additionally, Sony was also able to sell through brick-and-mortar stores, which were canceled this year due to the pandemic.
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