Work-related stress amid the COVID-19 pandemic | 22-11-2020


COVID-19 has changed the way we all work. Some of us have never stopped physically going to work, while others have worked remotely since mid-March. No matter where we are, working during a pandemic has added stress to our daily life. How you cope with this stress can positively or negatively affect your well-being.

Some of the symptoms of COVID-19-related stress, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, include worrying about being exposed to illness at work, caring for loved ones while working, managing a change in workload, and uncertainty about the future of your job or employment.

Manage stress at work by following these CDC tips:

  • Communicate with your colleagues about work stress by keeping physical distance.
  • Identify the factors causing you stress and work with your colleagues to develop solutions.
  • Increase your sense of control by creating a consistent daily routine when you can. If you work from home, set a regular schedule to stop working every day.
  • Stick to a regular sleep schedule. The National Sleep Foundation recommends seven to nine hours of sleep per night for adults.
  • Take breaks from work to stretch, exercise, or check in with your colleagues, family, and friends.
  • Get Active: Spend time outdoors, exercising or relaxing.
  • Ask your supervisor or human resources department about the mental health resources your organization offers.
  • During non-business hours, set aside time for activities you enjoy.
  • Connect with others. Talk to people you trust about your concerns, how you feel, or how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting you.
  • Take a break from watching or reading the news. Hearing about the pandemic repeatedly can be mind-boggling and mentally exhausting.

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