With all its sources … unfamiliar benefits of vitamin D.


Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins that the human body needs. It is one of the vitamins responsible for absorbing calcium to maintain bone strength. Vitamin D can be obtained from food or through sunlight.
Since the onset of the emerging coronavirus outbreak, many studies and statistics have shown that there is a relationship between vitamin D deficiency, increased chance of infection with emerging corona virus, and reduced deaths for infected people.

Moataz Al-Qaei, a specialist in fitness and therapeutic nutrition, commented that vitamin D is one of the vitamins that dissolve in fat, so when consumed, the diet followed must contain a percentage of fat to be absorbed well.
Al-Qai’i added in a statement to the “Sada Al-Balad” news site that vitamin D can be obtained by eating egg yolks and fatty fish. Such as tuna, salmon, sardines, shrimp, mushrooms, liver and yogurt, with exposure to sunlight.
Al-Qai’i continued, except that The recommended daily amount of vitamin D ranges from 400 to 600 units; while Vitamin D not only helps strengthen bones, but it has many other benefits that most of us are unaware of, the most important of which are:
1- Bones:
Vitamin D helps balance minerals in the body, such as calcium, and their absorption into the bones.
2- Weight loss:
Helps to lose weight; Where a recent study showed that adding vitamin D to your diet helps you lose weight more easily than other vitamins.
3- Heart health:
Vitamin D helps prevent heart disease and disease
Diabetes and Cancer.


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