
Windows 10 milk

Windows 10 announced a fabulous change that no one would have expected, but which proves to us that the operating system is far more complex and advanced than many think now. Microsoft has started something called “Project Latte”, and through it the American company is trying to bring millions of Android applications into Windows 10 to give users a better user experience.

Windows 10 will have the applications available in the Microsoft Store if the developers use new software from the Microsoft company, which allows their development in MSIX packages, which facilitates execution on the PC. Microsoft would use the Windows subsystem for Linux to bring Android applications to Windows 10, but it will also need a Windows subsystem for Android to run smoothly and Americans are likely working on it.

Windows 10: FABULOUS change you don’t expect

Windows 10 It’s not Microsoft’s first attempt at making such software for users, so this time around we may finally see Americans succeed with their project. Windows 10 will not allow you to directly install applications from the Google Play Store, developers will have to modify their applications so that they can be used on PCs, but also offer them without dependencies for the Google Store.

“Microsoft is working on a software solution that allows app developers to bring their Android apps to Windows 10 without any or no code changes, packaging them as MSIX and allowing developers to submit them to the Microsoft Store. According to sources familiar with. the matter, the project has the code name “Latte” and I was told it could be released immediately next year “.

Windows 10 has a promising project started here by Microsoft, but a lot depends on how the company will be able to offer everything in such a way that the involvement of application developers is minimal. Without this, users will always have to wait for developers to update their applications to run on Windows 10 and this will be difficult, or not at all, unfortunately.

Windows 10 now it allows you to run Android applications on computers, but only for some Samsung phone models, so the functionality is extremely limited and there are various problems with its implementation.

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