Windows 10 no longer allows Flash to be reinstalled


Windows 10 no longer allows Flash to be reinstalled

Microsoft has released an optional update to remove Adobe Flash from Windows 10. Additionally, after the update, Windows 10 no longer allows the reinstallation of Flash. This could mean that we will never hear about Adobe Flash again from 2021.

The update only removes the Flash version of Windows 10, not the standalone versions you have installed over time. It also doesn’t remove Flash from Microsoft Edge or other browsers.

Windows 10 support for Flash will officially end at the end of this year. Thereafter, there will be no updates for Internet Explorer 11 or the Edge version. The latest version of Edge, which uses Google’s Chrome engine, will lose Flash support in January 2021.

Windows 10 no longer allows Flash to be reinstalled

“We are releasing this removal update early to help customers test and validate their environments for any impact that may occur when removing Adobe Flash Player.” inform Microsoft.

Microsoft will phase out Flash until 2021. At some point, the Windows update will be optional, so it will eventually be recommended. In the summer of 2021, Microsoft will remove all Flash developer frameworks from Internet Explorer and Edge. So expect to have a lot of updates in the next period for different versions of Windows, including Windows 10 or Windows 8.1.

Google will also stop supporting Flash in Chrome. The company has announced that this will happen by the end of this year. Furthermore, Adobe will also stop developing Flash in 2020. At some point, the company will tell you exactly how to uninstall it.

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