Will George Burcea and Viviana become parents? Shock in Romanian showbiz. Viviana Sposub breaks the silence


viviana george burcea

Shock in Romanian showbiz. Viviana Sposub, George Burcea’s new girlfriend, broke the silence. It comes with striking details between her and Andreea Bălan’s ex-husband. What are your plans for the near future? Nobody expected such an announcement.

Viviana Sposub and George Burcea live a beautiful love story, and at the age of about 20, the contestant of “Ferma” declares that everything is going better than she ever expected.

“I can say that love is everything! I love a lot! I love life, I love the people around me, I love everything that happens to me right now. Where there is no love, there is nothing!”, Ha Viviana Sposub confessed to Viva.

George Burcea’s girlfriend presented herself as no one had ever seen her before. He talked about his attitude, beyond the cameras. Despite looking like a tough person, it seems that Viviana is still a young woman who continues to discover herself.

“Viviana is a young woman who is still discovering herself! She is the soul of a child in the body of a sexy woman, with the joie de vivre of a rebellious teenager. She loves to laugh, have fun, dance, sing, love, live And all of this intertwines them with a burning desire to work and achieve beautiful things in life. She is ambitious and persevering, she has recently discovered that she is also very strong. So nothing stands in her way! “, Viviana said.

Will Viviana Sposub and George Burcea become parents?

Asked if she’d like a baby so early, the star didn’t hold back at all. She said that until now she was already expecting to have a child, but things have not gone as planned, but it is still not too late. Viviana confessed that she is waiting for the right moment.

“I always imagined that at 22 I would have been married with a child. Look, I’m 23 and the situation is completely different! In other words, the bill in Moldova does not kiss the one in the Capital! I still want to become a mother, but I have understood that all things in life come at the right time, “he added.

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