Will Brits be vaccinated against covid-19?


The High Authority for Health unveils its recommendations this Monday morning, as the government details its vaccine strategy this week. No obligations, but certainly priority people, elderly, fragile, while the campaign could begin at the end of December. HAS especially recommends prioritize vaccination of nursing home residents and health care workers.are more exposed.

According to the latest polls, the French remain very hostile to vaccination. According to a survey by the Jean Jaurès Foundation, one in two French people would not want to be vaccinated. Survey that annoys Dominique Le Goff, public health doctor and referent for vaccinations at the Regional Health Agency of Brittany: “We know the coronavirus vaccine is expected to arrive in a few weeks. We are investigating a vaccine for which we have little information and prospects. “

But how many people are vaccinated for this vaccine to be effective? “It depends on the type of vaccine and the disease”, consider Dominique Le Goff. “For measles it is 80% because it is a particularly contagious disease. In France we protect the little ones against 11 diseases. After that there is the seasonal flu vaccination but also the papillomavirus vaccine, which is the most popular vaccine. recent. “

The example of the flu

“In Brittany, we have 52% of the target (people over 65) who have been vaccinated against the flu. It’s a little better than nationally, five more points. We must not forget that we vaccinate not only to protect ourselves, but also our loved ones and the community. “

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