Why people should extract bitcoins right now, but probably not …



"The time to buy is when there is blood in the streets" – Baron Rothschild

You've probably heard these stories, but let me tell you why they are as important today as they were 100 years ago when they first spoke to us. Not only that, it is just as relevant today. First a bit of history.

Napoleon was at war with England. The Battle of Waterloo was the last chance in England to save itself and stay like England. Baron Rothschild was in his place on the London stock exchange. If England wins, the market will meet, if Napoleon wins, he will go to hell. Baron Rothschild sends his private messenger to Waterloo and asks that he return to him and report who won the war.

His messenger does it and does it in time before the public knows something. England had won the Battle of Waterloo. At his position in the exchange, what does Barron do? Would you like to buy the right actions? No, Baron starts selling, at first slowly, and then faster. The other brokers on the floor look at what Rothschild does and think "Baron knows something, we have lost, we start selling". Now, exchange brokers start to sell in delirium. In the midst of all this, Baron begins to place purchase orders on the bottom of the market through other brokers who do not know that he is buying. On that day Baron Rothschild bought almost the entire stock exchange in London, and less than one hour later, the public announcement was made, England had won, and the stock market arose when the buyers were delirious to buy back all the stock they had sold.

Yes, buying when there's blood on the street is a secret to making a lot of money, but what Baron did not tell you is how he, and many others, continue to do it today. This is more applicable today to bitcoin than at any time. Why? Because wall st. He was late for the bitcoin game, they heard about it after he had already reached $ 20,000 and that was not where they wanted to go. What's happening right now?

Well, better than I explain, please take a few minutes to watch this video about what Jamie Diamon of JP Morgan, or George Soros, or many of the best hedge fund managers were doing, and, more importantly, Such as they were doing it.

Did you understand? This is happening today, and these guys want blood in the streets, they want your blood, my blood and the blood of whoever is willing to give in to the fear that they can create by confusing you to think that bitcoin is just another action that goes up or down. It is not, bitcoin is the new monetary system. It is a better money system that will beat fiat money and its price will be much higher than it is today.

Now what about mining?

Mining is basically the backbone of bitcoin network data processing. Without mining, there is no bitcoin. Now, profits for the mining sector have gone down in recent months. This is because the difficulty has gone away, why? Because the shit heads that did not care how much my bitcoin cost was just bought a ton of s9 miners and started digging. Each ico mine, regardless of their economy, gathered millions of people and poured it into a mine. For this reason, and then the bitcoin recovery price, the difficulty has continued to grow, making my bitcoin less and less profitable. Here is a bitcoin difficulty table:

(if you do not understand how profitability affects profitability, see here:

Now for experienced miners and mines that have low-cost operating expenses, this is a nice table. Just before telling you why, let's take a look at this chart that dates back to 9 months ago:

Note the steady rise from November last year? This is where the miners were accumulating in the mining business. At the time, it did not matter if your power costs were 10 cents per kWh, or you had spent millions to buy a warehouse that was in a cold region of the world, and paid the best wages to technicians to manage the platforms. Everyone was making money, in abundance. But then…

Fast forward to today, where "there is blood on the streets" and bitcoin prices have fallen by 75%. "Sell your bitcoin" "Crypto is made" all that junk for what? To get you off with your goods, your bitcoins, so big purchases can buy cheap, and then announce that England has won the war. Did you understand? Good.

This is a dirty game that plays, but this time you have the power, you have the knowledge, so keep it in mind when you make your decisions. They want your bitcoins and they can be patient and wear you out. You must be more patient.

Now, coming back to how all this affects bitcoin mining.

In the last two months, you can see that the difficulty is continuously decreasing and we expect a further drop of 15% at the next adjustment. When the difficulty decreases, the bitcoin miners are doing more btc per miner, now obviously the btc price has dropped, so the dollar value of that btc is even less, for now. The important point is that we have removed many miners from the game, the miners who pay 8.9, or 10 cents per kwh are no longer able to stay, so the drop in difficulty is partly the result of all the miners who came out .

You could say, ok, but when the bitcoin goes up, so will the difficulty – and this is true. However, we are coming out of a year of mania, a year of irrational exuberance and irrational investments. The remaining miners or those who could return to the game will be much less than those who have all crashed in the last year. What does it mean? It means that the bitcoin mining is going to become more profitable. Especially if, or when I should say, bitcoin turns and becomes bullish. At that time, mining miners will see peaks in bitcoin prices and delays in increasing the difficulty, it will be a very profitable period. Of course, other miners will come, and the difficulty will end up increasing more, but, again, they will not come back in the way they are piled up. This means that the real players will stay and do much more than the bitcoin pie.

As for me, we will continue to do what we do, providing investors with a low-cost bitcoin mining platform to scale their bitcoin mining portfolio. Seven months have passed since we started and I can safely say that we are not only profitable, we are growing at a rapid pace. People are tired of the game of cloud mining and spending and the resulting uncertainty.

Please join our community of telegrams or visit our website. We have a large group of people who are happy to help anyone from the bitcoin newbie novice, to the miners seriously looking for a permanent home.





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