Why do doctors recommend getting the Corona light flu shot? … study the answers


A new study has confirmed that obtaining flu vaccines may be one of the ways to reduce the risk of Coronavirus 19 COVID infection after recovery.

According to the timesofindia website, who with high pollution, low temperatures and increased congestion, all at risk and who have a long-term COVID-19 virus should get vaccinated against the flu to reduce the severity of post-recovery symptoms and also to protect yourself from flu infection?

The study revealed some of the benefits of getting a flu shot and how it can reduce the risk of getting the disease this year, coinciding with the Corona virus outbreak.

The study indicated that patients may continue to exhibit symptoms including cough, cold, fever, muscle aches, and signs of the flu, after a long period of recovery from the Corona virus COVID-19, and in some cases even lack of breathing and chest infections.

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The researchers added that the flu shot, which fights viral infections, can protect you from further illness and reduce cold or flu symptoms at the moment, and can also reduce the chronic respiratory distress problems that are so common at the moment.

Doctors recommend that people of all ages get vaccinations at the right time, especially those at risk.

Pregnant women, infants, children and people over the age of 65 who have pre-existing conditions are at greater risk and therefore vaccinations are recommended more often than others.

A study published in ScienceDirect also indicates that effective vaccination can build innate immunity and may reduce the risk of respiratory complications associated with the outbreak.


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