which vaccination program in France?


While Pfizer and BioNTech laboratories have formulated a request for the commercialization of their vaccine in the United States, in France the first vaccinations against Covid-19 could take place in early 2021. The High Authority for Health must make its opinion on the organization of the vaccination plan by mid-December.

The hope of a vaccine against Covid-19 is becoming more and more serious. A first request for marketing authorization was made on Friday by the giant Pfizer, associated with the German BioNTech. They are asking to market their vaccine as soon as possible in the United States. All of this could go very quickly and in this race France already has to prepare.

The first injections could take place in early 2021. France has pre-ordered 90 million doses. At this stage, the Alta Autorité de santé believes that the priority people will be healthcare workers, the elderly or the frail.

A simple and effective vaccination plan

As for the logistical organization, instead of collective vaccination centers, as at the time of the fight against H1N1 in 2009, the Alta Autorité de Santé recommends instead placing general practitioners at the center of the system. “The organizational plan will have to be simple, so that people can be vaccinated as close as possible, if possible by their doctor, if not in the workplace. Pharmacists vaccinate against the flu, maybe they can too. Covid-19? “, observes Professor Daniel Floret, vice president of the Technical Committee on vaccinations, from Europe 1.

But this organization will also depend on the packaging of vaccines, in large vials or single doses that general practitioners could use, as well as on their storage in super freezers or simple refrigerators. The final opinion of the Haute Autorité de santé on the organization should be known in mid-December.

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