The experiments of the American company Pfizer have proved Pfizer And its German partner Biontec BioNTech The effectiveness of the new Corona vaccine is more than 90%, but there are still many questions about the study, which have not yet been completed, and Pfizer has not published any of its data, nor has it sent it to review doctors and scientists of others. parties or regulatory authorities for approval, which is This means it may take months for a vaccine to become available to many people.

And the US website “Insider” quoted what experts said about it is too early to know when the vaccine will be widely available to enough people to warrant the disposing of masks and social distancing to fight Corona. .
Experts said the vaccine is unlikely to affect our lives in the foreseeable future, so it won’t make a difference in travel plans or meeting with family until 2021. They added: “We will continue to wear masks and social distancing during Christmas celebrations “.
While news for the Pfizer vaccine is promising, it remains imperative to continue taking precautions for the foreseeable future, according to Leslie McClure, professor of biostatistics and chair of the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Drexel University, which specializes in clinical trial research.
And he advised that for the upcoming holiday season, everyone should continue to distance themselves socially, wear a mask around other people, and meet outdoors whenever possible.

The vaccine has time ahead of it
The vaccine still faces a lengthy review and approval process, Inc. Pfizer To apply for emergency approval, more data will need to be collected to do so, and it won’t be available until the end of November, leaving only another four weeks of 2020 for regulatory approval and to kickstart the supply chain.
“It is very unlikely that it will be widely available by the end of this year, even if everything passes as quickly as possible,” McClure said.
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