when can you get vaccinated?


Vaccination against the Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus will not be mandatory in France and the whole process will be documented and transparent – an obvious necessity to remove the doubts of French women and men. But when the vaccination campaign is launched, there won’t be a dose for everyone. When can you expect to be vaccinated? Numerama details the recommendations of the Haute Autorité de Santé.

The French vaccination plan at a glance

  • You reside in EHPAD where you are part of the medical profession at risk over the age of 65: phase 1.
  • Are you over 65 or part of a medical profession over 50: phase 2.
  • You are over 50 years old, under 50 with co-morbidities or are part of the civil servants who guarantee the functioning of the state: phase 3.
  • You are a professional in contact with the public or who works in an enclosed space, or a person in a precarious situation: phase 4.
  • You are of age and do not fall into any of the previous categories: step 5.

The coronavirus vaccine is coming. It is impossible to predict when the first doses will be given to the French, but we know that the candidate vaccines have entered phase 3 of the test, which, in the event of conclusive results from these studies, would lead them to a request for validation by health authorities. Once this validation is achieved, citizens could start getting vaccinated.

That said, the question of dose availability will arise very quickly for a medical product that will undoubtedly be of interest to countries around the world. France has already announced that it has placed an order to get the first vaccines available, but it must, like all countries, create an order of priority.

The High Authority of Health (HAS) in France had recalled during the announcements of the Pfizer laboratory about a vaccine it was trying to ” identify the populations to be targeted as a priority And the Scientific Council in charge of the matter had expressed opinions on the subject. Thus we knew the scientific basis of this order of priority: the place, first of all, with the people most at risk. On November 30, 2020, the HAS detailed the vaccination plan in France. We find the principles already mentioned, but with more details on the vaccination phases.

When can you get vaccinated? If the exact dates have not yet been communicated, we at least know in what order the French population will be entitled to the vaccine, which will not be mandatory.

Scientist working on a coronavirus vaccine. // Source: AstraZeneca

The first stage is obvious: it will concern seniors residing in EHPAD or collective housing. As several months of the health crisis have taught us, these are the people most at risk and in which Sars-Cov-2 is the most fatal – they represent ” one third of deaths “.

Other citizens will be able to benefit from this phase: socio-medical personnel at risk (over 65, comorbidities), personnel from the medical transport sector and all caregivers who have to work in contact with coronavirus victims. Specific work will be needed to address doctors and all hospital staff who are in direct contact with the disease in a professional setting. As HAS says, their ” the activity must not cease “.

Phase 2 is still critical, as it also corresponds to populations with a high mortality rate due to covid-19. People aged 75, then 65 to 74 with comorbidities, then from 65 to 74 years without comorbidities, concern.

From the part of medical staff, HAS is extending the vaccination perimeter: initially, all staff over 50 with comorbidities, then, gradually, all medical personnel, with or without direct contact with the virus.

We understand the idea: to protect the most vulnerable and to ensure that the entire medical profession no longer has to fear contamination in the exercise of its functions.

In this still critical phase, the goal is ” reduce hospitalizations and deaths “. It therefore focuses on people over 50, or under 50 with comorbidities.

From a professional point of view, it will be necessary to vaccinate the officials who ensure the functioning of the state: the government will draw up the list, but the HAS evokes the security sector Is that of education. These two terms are understandable: they are professionals in contact with people, often in closed places favorable to the transmission of the virus.

If a professional did not fit into the above categories, this is the time they can get vaccinated due to its likelihood of meeting an infected person. HA Think about working people in contact with the public or in closed places.

The people in precarious situations, who are not older than 50 or have comorbidities will also be affected. HAS refers to inmates, homeless people, or residents of psychiatric hospitals.

Phase 5 corresponds to the provision of the vaccine for all adults who wish to be vaccinated, with or without comorbidities. This will be a phase of normalization of vaccination, but which should come late: it will be reached when all the previous populations, more at risk, have been vaccinated.

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