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Do you want to reply to your messages from Whatsapp, but you don’t want others to know that you are “online”? Did you know these steps? You know the simple trick to reply to a message without opening the app And most importantly, without your friends knowing that you are connected. Follow these steps below.

How to do it? For this, it is not necessary to disconnect the Wi-Fi, data or simply download a third party application which, in turn, can affect the privacy of your conversations. Whatsapp.

Many people today use the various functions that the fast messaging application has, such as sending GIFs, photos, videos, animated stickers, documents, among others, but few know some details hidden in the application.

Here we will teach you How is it possible to send a message without having to appear “online” in Whatsapp. You just have to follow these steps:

  • The first thing you should do is wait for someone to text you.
  • So when you have received a text message or alert on WhatsApp, go to the notification bar.
To be able to reply to a message without having to enter WhatsApp, simply press the arrow next to the text. (Photo: MAG)
  • In this step, slide the bar and you will notice that the last received message is displayed.
  • Next you need to click on that message and a very distinctive arrow will appear.
  • Click on that arrow and two options will open: reply or mark as seen.
  • In this case, press “Responder” and write the message you want. Finally click on “Send”.

This way, they won’t see any changes in your connection time, it will also help you a lot in preventing your friends from seeing you connected on WhatsApp for a long time. In case you enter the application, the trick will no longer work.


Like all the years Whatsapp has incorporated a new emoji list into its conversation platform. Recently he added icons of mate, paella, bat, motorcycle taxi, tooth, clown, ostrich, among other characters and / or objects. On this occasion, thanks to Emojipedia, some of the emoticons that will be part of the application at the end of 2020 were made public.

While Whatsapp He added his new 230 emojis in November, these 117 figures are expected to be seen in that month alone as well.

According to the Unicode website, new members of this “select group” were chosen after its Emoji Subcommittee “reviewed thousands of user submissions” from around the world, which were to include reasons why they should be included. in the list and other data.

Meet the new emojis coming to WhatsApp in 2020 (Photo: Emojipedia)
Meet the new emojis coming to WhatsApp in 2020 (Photo: Emojipedia)

Unicode highlighted that among these symbols, which exceed 2,000 in total and which have become popular in messaging services for representing feelings and facilitating the expression of ideas, especially in Whatsapp, the emojis that many said will finally arrive. What are the new ones? Here we present them to you.

These are the new emojis that will arrive in 2020 (Photo: WhatsApp)
These are the new emojis that will arrive in 2020 (Photo: WhatsApp)

Among the new faces we will find the happy face emoji with a tear of emotion, also the man with the pronounced mustache and glasses, the clenched hand, the people hugging, the ninjas are also enabled.

You will also see people in tuxedos, wedding suits, men and women bottle feeding their babies, Santa Claus without a mustache, heart and lungs.

In the animal section instead we will find the potted plant, the black cat, the beaver, the face of the polar bear, the bison, the mammoth, the dodo, the feather, the beetle, the seal, the fly. , Cockroach. , the worm, the rock, the wood.

On the food we will find the olive, the blueberry, the pepper, the pita bread, the tamale, the fondue, the bubble tea and the teapot.

Emojipedia also indicated that in WhastApp New places will be added such as cabin, truck, skateboard. While in the objects section we will have the magic wand, the colored piñata, the Russian doll, the needle and the thread, the knot, the sandal, the accordion, the military helmet, the long drum, the coin, the saw, the Boomerang .

Other items that will also be present are the hook, screwdriver, mirror, ladder, window with curtains, plunger, mousetrap, ramrod, poster, toothbrush with toothpaste and tombstone. .

One of the emojis that will be seen on WhatsApp is that of the mother who gives a bottle.  (Photo: Emojipedia)
One of the emojis that will be seen on WhatsApp is that of the mother who gives a bottle. (Photo: Emojipedia)

Finally, more emojis to come Whatsapp They are the flags and the symbols will be the elevator sign, the transgender symbol, the transgender flag.

Last year Unicode also included fifty new symbols that revolutionized social networks, including the peacock, the flame, an abacus, the superhero profession or the DNA double helix.

According to a worldwide study by consulting firm Brandwatch on Twitter, emojis are used more by women (61%) than men (39%) and are used primarily to express positive emotions – three-quarters have an optimistic meaning.

The best WhatsApp tricks

1. Hands-free voice notes: By simply pressing and holding the microphone icon and swiping up, you can lock the voice memo function to record, without having to hold the mobile phone with your hands. An option that surprisingly works!

2. Check the main messages: To get this option you need to use the “star” message function, where you will mark key messages that you will easily see in a central location. All you have to do is tap the message you want to save as a favorite and then tap the “star” icon.

If your device is an iPhone, you can find all special messages by going to Settings and Special messages or by selecting the chat name and tapping “Special messages”. For Android users, they need to press “More Options” and then “Special Messages”.

3. Check your messages without touching your mobile: If you want to be able to control WhatsApp without having to use your mobile device, what you need to do is download the WhatsApp desktop web application, which will project your mobile phone conversations to a computer. So you can send messages, photos and GIFs without having to have your computer in your hands.

4. Use stickers in conversations: Emojis are becoming a thing of the past, today stickers offer you a more fun way to express yourself. You can find them in the field where text is entered in a conversation, in a small square icon with a folded side page, where you can also add your own stickers and bitmojis.

5. Read messages without being online: The option to hide “read receipts” is not the best option if you want the other person not to realize that they have read your message. That’s why lifting the message on the screen slightly and opening the full text on the iPhone lock screen is the best option to go unnoticed.

6. Manage who can add us to groups: There is nothing more uncomfortable than being added to a group full of strangers. That’s why WhatsApp has developed the option to manage who can add us to groups.

When you enable the contacts you want to receive messages from, these people need to send us an invitation link in the app. Only if we accept it can we be added to the group.

To enable a contact we must go to Settings> Accounts> Security> Groups and select from the options: All, My contacts or My contacts except.

7. Take control of your groups: There is a way to change the group settings so that only we can make changes to the image or group name. To do this, go to Group Settings and then Edit Group Information.

WhatsApp: how to know the location of your contact while chatting with you

The first thing is to ask your contact to share their location. If you have a mobile Andoide you will need to follow this:

  • Open WhatsApp and access the conversation of the person you want to share the location with.
  • Click on the clip symbol that appears to the right of the chat and then click “Location”.
  • Accept the permissions requested by WhatsApp and choose between the current position (it is static) or the position in real time (even when the user is on the move)

If you choose the second option, you will be able to know where you are moving as they keep talking. You can use time intervals like 15 minutes, one hour or 8 hours and to turn it off you have to do it manually.


Discord, see the application that could replace WhatsApp

Discord: the alternative application to WhatsApp that is gaining strength


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