Many people prefer the cold winter to the summer heat. But to enjoy the cold that winter brings with it, there are a number of things that need to be addressed properly to avoid the health consequences that can ensue, especially in the time of Corona.
The British Daily Mail website personifies the most important problems and provides tips and solutions for a healthy winter:
Low energy rates
When temperatures drop, some people experience extreme exhaustion and find it difficult to perform normal activities. With shorter daytime hours and longer nighttime hours, the human sleep cycle is negatively affected, in addition to exposure to less sunlight, the brain produces more of the hormone melatonin responsible for our sleepiness.
Specialists warn that succumbing to sleep is not the solution because it will make the situation worse, and for this we have to get some light before the end of the day, both by leaving the house and also by the window.
Drinking more caffeinated beverages is also not a good option and we only need to get more minerals and vitamins, including vitamin B, for its role in reducing fatigue and fatigue.
Read also: Six seasonal vegetables to strengthen immunity against Corona and her “sisters”!
Muscle contraction
Although it is difficult to leave the house on cold days, you must take into account your physical fitness even if you do the necessary exercises at home without going to gyms and fitness clubs.
If you feel cramped at times, it’s not a sign of aging, just because of the cold. But we must be aware that muscle tension increases the risk of injury, which increases the need to warm up before exercises and rest after completing them.
Weak immunity
The reason for the high rates of flu and colds during the winter is that cold, dry air causes the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and bronchi to dry out, which makes us more vulnerable to harmful bacteria and viruses.
And since the immune system is the shield against any possible infection, we must work to strengthen it, especially with the continuing Corona pandemic.
To get zinc and vitamins C, A and D, the body needs to eat adequate amounts of vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, and dairy products.
In case it is difficult to follow a healthy diet all the time, vitamins and supplements can help, after consulting your doctor.

It is recommended to drink about two liters of water and fluids per day
The summer heat pushes us to drink liquids, especially water, all the time, which pushes us to reach the ideal rate, which is two liters per day. But with cooler temperatures, many people don’t pay attention to the amount of fluids they drink throughout the day.
Feeling cold does not mean that the body stops needing fluids, so we must avoid involuntary dehydration, which will negatively affect the skin. Experts advise drinking fluids during the winter, in an amount no less than what we get in the summer.
We can replace frozen summer drinks with low temperature drinks such as fruit tea or hot lemon or even just hot water with the addition of fresh mint leaves or ginger and a few drops of lemon every morning.
Read also: Winter and Corona? Ideas to brighten up the closing days!
Dry skin and hair
Skin moisture levels decrease due to low temperatures, cold winds, and the functioning of heating systems that dry the air, which leads to dryness and wrinkling of the skin. This becomes more difficult for people who are prone to pimples or acne and who have eczema.
It requires good skin care and work to properly moisturize it according to its nature, as well as the role that proper nutrition plays in obtaining the necessary amounts of vitamin C, vitamin A, biotin and zinc.
Hair can also be affected by low temperatures, become drier and therefore more prone to breakage. And hair, like skin, needs more moisture during the winter, trying to reduce the use of hot drying tools.
bad mood
During the winter, some people experience a loss of interest in daily activities, feelings of apathy, and a rapid tendency to anger.
This is often due to insufficient exposure to light which affects the activity of the pituitary gland and the hormones it secretes responsible for mood, appetite, and feelings of lethargy or drowsiness. That’s why we need to get enough sunlight as possible.
In case of a bad mood and the owner’s inability to cope with the pressures of his daily life, experts recommend going to the doctor quickly to get the necessary treatment or help.
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