What you don’t know about beta carotene benefits … from strengthening the immune system to protecting the respiratory system


Site said ” Watch outIn Spanish, beta-carotenoids are very colorful (red, orange or yellow) found naturally in many fruits, grains, oils and vegetables that contain many vitamins and health benefits.

The site added, beta-carotenoids are fat-soluble organic dyes of plant origin that belong to the carotenoid group, pointing out that before we talk about the health benefits of eating foods that contain beta-carotene, it is necessary to explain the relationship between these pigments. and vitamin A, it is believed that there is a deficiency of vitamin A in the general population, as beta-carotene is partially converted into vitamin A or retinol within the intestinal wall, thanks to the activity of the deoxygenase enzyme. This mechanism is regulated by the individual’s vitamin A status, if If you have enough vitamin A, the conversion of beta-carotene decreases, but eating large amounts of beta-carotene will not lead to an overabundance of vitamin A, says Marta Ross Barrow. assistant professor in the nutrition department at the University of Catalonia. (UOC)

The site pointed out that the best source of beta-carotene are yellow and orange vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes and squash), yellow or orange fruits (apricots, watermelon, papaya, mango, nectarine and peaches) and green leafy vegetables. such as spinach, broccoli, turnip, watercress, parsley, sweet pepper and seaweed. Spirulina and chlorella “.

What are the benefits of beta-carotene for the body?

These compounds can play a very important role as antioxidants, boosting the immune system, photoprotecting tissues such as the eyes and preventing and improving respiratory diseases..

Can beta-carotene deficiency increase my risk of disease?

European and American health authorities have decided that current evidence is insufficient to make recommendations on taking beta-carotene, the recommended intake varies between 2 and 6 mg of beta-carotene per day in adults, the average estimated amount of Total beta-carotene currently consumed in Spain and Europe is lower than the intake The recommended and insufficient intake of this ingredient can lead to insufficient intake of adequate vitamin A requirements, resulting in diseases of the immune system, skin diseases, poor eye health and body toxins.

How to easily add them to your diet ..

Cutting and cooking foods improves the supply of beta-carotene, for its absorption the presence of fats in the digestive system is essential, which can be added through a varied and healthy diet that includes the foods specified above..

Is it necessary in some cases to take beta-carotene supplements?

It is best consumed naturally in the form of fruits and vegetables, and beta-carotene supplements at doses of 20 mg or more per day are not recommended for smokers..

What happens if you take too much beta-carotene?

The extra beta-carotene (180 mg per day) is stored mainly in the adipose tissue. The most common side effect of excessive consumption is the carotenoid dermis (a harmless physical condition) which appears as an orange color on the skin, due to the degradation of carotene in the outer layer of the epidermis, this color disappears as the consumption of beta-carotene..

The paper said it should be taken into account that beta-carotene can interact with drugs used to lower cholesterol, because taking them together can reduce the effectiveness of these drugs. It can be taking large amounts of preformed vitamin A (retinol) over a period of months. Or toxic years, as the body converts only the amount of vitamin A it needs from beta-carotene without the risk of poisoning.


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