what to do in case of digestive disorders?


Digestive disorders are among the symptoms of Covid-19. As winter approaches, gastroenteritis is likely to multiply to the point that it may be difficult to differentiate the two viruses. On Wednesday in the show “Without an appointment” on Europa 1, Dr. Jimmy Mohamed gives his advice in case of the onset of diarrhea.

Is diarrhea alone a sign of a Covid infection?

“The coronavirus can be considered the ‘Swiss Army knife of viruses’ as it generates a wide variety of symptoms. It attaches itself to receptors in both the lungs and digestive tract, causing breathing problems and diarrhea and abdominal pain, but interestingly it is usually older patients with Covid-19 who only experience digestive symptoms.

Is it essential to isolate yourself?

In this period, the wisest behavior is to isolate yourself despite everything. Furthermore, gastroenteritis are also viruses that can take on severe forms in some populations at risk. It is best to consult your doctor, by teleconsultation or directly in the office if it is not too crowded.

To be completely reassured, patients can also be tested. In 15 minutes they can get a quick antigen test at the pharmacy. With your vital card, the test is fully reimbursed by Social Security.

How to treat digestive disorders?

For a few days it is recommended to adopt the rice-banana-carrot diet, rich in potassium. In the end, patients can opt for an anti-diarrhea, but without abusing it so as not to block the transit. Finally, you have to be very careful to wash your hands and drink plenty of water, dehydration is one of the main risks of severe diarrhea. “

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