What “Seven Deadly Sin” would be the characters of Naruto


A fan of The Seven Deadly Sins and Naruto has carried out an interesting initiative in which he wanted to choose which Naruto anime characters would be the 7 deadly sins of The Seven Deadly Sins characters.

Read on to see which characters best fit the definition of the 7 deadly sins: pride, greed, lust, anger, gluttony, envy and laziness.

The 7 deadly sins come to life in Naruto characters

In the following image shared by a Reddit user known as “Travis 123321” you can see which characters from The Seven Deadly Sins would be the Naruto characters, with the main character in the center representing pride.

Seven Deadly Sins from r / Naruto

There’s no denying it’s a lot creative what this fan of The Seven Deadly Sins and Naruto made. If you liked it, don’t miss this Meliodas and Elizabeth fan art.

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