What is the “Vibranium” secret weapon of Marvel movies?


There is one ingredient that Marvel fans often hear about in almost every movie: Vibranium. The vibranium mine, where Captain America’s shield and Black Panther’s suit are made, are the basis of almost every story. So what is “vibranium”, can a real element be powerful as it is, even if it is fiction, we are looking at it closely.

The Marvel Comic Universe has been in our lives for decades. Together with the new heroes, he brought many elements of fantasy to the world of cinema. With the Marvel Cinematic Universe, these fictional elements have been internalized enough to be considered almost real by fans. One such fantasy element is vibranium metallic. Vibranium is the most powerful mine in the Marvel world and its strength is visible in every field in which it is used.

Vibranium In response to the question of what it is, whether it is in real life or in the Marvel world, a new question can be answered. Because, according to scientists, there is a real mine very similar to vibranium, which is an imaginary mine. Emerged from the fertile lands of Black Panther’s hometown of Wakanda what is my vibranium, We answered questions about how it was used in the Marvel world and what its real-life equivalent is.


What is vibranium?

Vibranium; In the Marvel comics, it is described as an almost indestructible metal with metallic properties, which absorbs sound waves and vibrations. This touches the metal any impact is absorbed and if a sufficiently strong blow is struck, it can recoil and cause a massive explosion.

Vibranium is a mine based in the fictional African country Wakanda. According to today’s story 10 thousand years ago The vibranium mine was also found next to a fallen meteor in the Wakanda region. Thanks to this durable mine that can be used in many different fields, Wakanda, a normal African country, has become one of the most powerful countries in fiction.

The Vibranium Mine was first seen in the 13th issue of the Daredevil comic series released by Marvel in 1966. The meteor that brought the vibranium with you, It caused the growth of a plant that gave superhuman powers to Wakanda, and since that day the leaders of Wakanda have gained strength by consuming that flower and acquiring the title of Black Panther, passed down from generation to generation.

How is Vibranium used in the Marvel world?


The answer to this question is heat, albeit hidden in comic lines. Since vibranium is a metal mine, it is softened and processed by exposure to high temperatures like all metals. Furthermore, with its technology developing thanks to vibranium, the Wakanda industry has also been able to produce many new machines to work this powerful metal.

Of course, we can only give predictive answers to the question of how vibranium is processed, because it is ultimately an element of fantasy. Perhaps in the new Black Panther movie or other new Marvel movies, we can learn new information about how this mighty mine is processed.

Vibranium contradicts real-world energy laws:


According to James Kakalios, a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Minnesota, the vibranium we see in the Black Panther movie contradicts the most fundamental energy laws. Saying that there is a constant rate of energy in the universe, Kakalios said that the dissipation of energy by the vibranium contradicts the most fundamental energy laws and that energy is absorbed by a substance. you will not simply disappear States.

A suit or shield made of vibranium mine may reflect the greatest impact, but it can never be destroyed by sucking. On the other hand, according to a phenomenon called “Sonoluminescence”, a mineral such as vibranium can take sound waves and transform them into light, in other words, into a different power.

We also saw the phenomenon of sonoluminescence in the dress made by Shuri, the sister of Black Panther. The Vibranium mine suit stores energy from the hits it receives and then could be used as a weapon power. This is seen as the movement of the vibranium that best fits the laws of energy in the universe.

Real vibranium in nature: graphene

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The fact that the Vibranium mine isn’t real or even contradicts the facts may have upset many Marvel fans. However, even if the name is different, in the world we live in has a power very close to vibranium, There is a substance called graphene. Graphene is made up of a single layer of carbon atoms and is arranged in a hexagonal pattern.

Graphene, the thinnest material ever made, also has great flexibility it is a hundred times stronger than steel. The only disadvantage of graphite-based graben is that it cannot yet be used as a plastic, because most of the material turns to powder in the process.


Phones can be recharged via Wi-Fi signals thanks to graphene

What are the differences between the adamantium element used in the claws of Vibranium and Wolverine?

Wolverine, Kara Panther

The most important substances that attract attention in the Marvel world are vibranium and adamantium. We see my vibranium in Captain America’s shield and the Black Panther’s suit. Adamantium to the head Wolverine’s claws and Iron Man’s armor It has been used in many different projects such as Weapon X including some parts. Vibranium stores the sound waves it absorbs at the molecular level and is therefore almost indestructible. After the adamantium has been synthesized into a stable structure it can no longer be manipulated however, it may disappear at high temperatures.

Weapons made with vibranium and adamantium mines in the world of comics or Marvel movies we haven’t really seen him come face to face, Therefore, we don’t know which one is stronger. However, we can say that these two powerful articles will continue to dominate until one day a winner emerges.

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