What is the relationship of vitamin “D” to cancer?


A new study, led by scientists at Harvard University, has revealed that those taking vitamin D supplements may be less likely to develop what is known as advanced-stage cancer, and therefore less likely to die from it..

The British newspaper “Daily Mail” said that scientists achieved these results after conducting the study on 25,000 people over a 5-year period, and it was found that people who took vitamin D supplements every day were less likely to develop advanced cancer that quickly spreads from anyone else’s organs to the rest of the body by 17 percent.

Researchers explained that the survival rate from this type of cancer increases to 38% as people keep their weight at a healthy level, as researchers believe obesity and associated inflammation may reduce the vitamin’s effectiveness. D.“.

Interestingly, vitamin D acts primarily to help regulate calcium and phosphates, minerals that are essential for the development and maintenance of healthy bones, teeth and muscles. In recent years, there has been growing evidence that it also helps in the growth of many types of cells, including those that make up the immune system..

On the other hand, the Russian doctor, Mikhail Kagan, warns of the dangers of the uncontrolled intake of vitamin D, which many are taking today as a preventive measure against Covid-19..

Mikhail Kagan explained to “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” that interest in vitamins has recently increased worldwide and that vitamin deficiency is a common thing among people in Russia in particular, saying:

Currently, interest in vitamin D has increased dramatically. The fact is that Russia is in a region with low sun exposure, so vitamin deficiency is very common among different segments of the population“.

Given the important physiological role of this vitamin, a number of researchers indicate that vitamin D deficiency may be associated with an increased risk of developing a wide range of diseases, from cardiovascular disease to Alzheimer’s disease, and low vitamin levels. D in patients with autoimmune diseases and people who are overweight and cancer.


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