What is the health of Gheorghe Visu. It was said that he had the coronavirus, but … “He has a chronic disease, it is normal that he is more affected!”


Gheorghe Visu is hospitalized at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases “Prof. Matei Balş ”of the capital, for lung problems. So far, the actor hasn’t given any details about his health.

Two days ago, Gheorghe Visu posted on Facebook, a message that inflamed his fans: “Old hookah attached to the wall … drunk on oxygen at night like night watchmen“Many, at the time, thought the actor was infected with the new coronavirus.

But the reality would be different. Gheorghe Visu was hospitalized due to lung disease, which he has been dealing with for several years. Carmen Tănase, her stage colleague, provided more details.

First of all, it’s not bad. Geo is a very discreet man, he doesn’t like talking about the press. I am not free from his family to discuss this situation. I am neither the wife, nor the sister nor the mother of Gheorghe Visu. But in any case, rest assured, he is not in intensive care, he is not intubated. It is a man who has chronic lung disease, this is known, it is normal that he is more sensitive to it than a man who has nothing. He was in the hospital when he was playing Gypsy Heart or the Queen due to lung problems, it is normal to be more affected“Said Carmen Tănase, according to fanatik.ro.

Who is Gheorghe Visu

Gheorghe Visu was born in Bucharest on 2 July 1951. After completing his studies at Licerul n. 25, chose to study the art of the actor at the Institute of Theater and Cinematography “IL Caragiale”.

Thanks to his talent, it was discovered by the directors and distributed in various roles along with famous names such as Radu Beligan, Valeria Seciu, Draga Olteanu, Matei Alexandru, Răzvan Vasilescu, Victor Rebengiuc, Gheorghe Dinică or Marin Moraru.

In 2016 and 2017 he was awarded seven awards for acting in film and theater.

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