What is occupational therapy, medicine for healthy people?


the occupational therapy. Have you ever heard of her? Is a set of methods and techniques therapeutically focused on an activity adapted to the patient; i.e. activity physical, mental and social which help improve daily activities.

This goes focused on healthy people, that means they don’t necessarily have to go through a disease or illnessIt helps to improve some habits that are performed incorrectly and that cause damage to your body.

Sharon De Hita Barojas, occupational therapist explains that this area is of the utmost importance in everyone’s life, as it helps improve mood by structuring routines of interest to the patient.

They can be implemented by infants, children, young people, adults and the third to increase the quality of your life and improve your physical condition.

exists various types of stimuli that help to have positive therapy; although three are the most common.

Cognitive stimulationIt is a technique that improves preserved abilities and focuses on the use of music, photographs that help activate memory, attention, among others.

The functional, is focused on the recovery of functional mobility, is carried out through exercises to stimulate psychomotor skills and be able to master basic activities such as eating, dressing and using the bathroom alone.

Neurosensory stimulationl, which helps the proper development of the vestibular and sensory system; you work with the senses.

Who are the candidates for occupational therapy?

As already mentioned initially, all people can make use of it, here are some examples.

Child: with early stimulation, sensory stimulation, auditory therapy; to adapt it and make things easier. For example: suck, help him with a pacifier of the size and shape I teach him.

Child: To stimulate the activities of hygiene, education, nutrition and self-denial.

Adult person, actions to improve posture, actions in sports and avoid injuries, carrying objects.

Does it facilitate the conduct of daily life?

Occupational therapy works in two ways, from basic activities like dressing and undressing, eating, bathing and moving around. The others are more complex activities like counting money, preparing food, etc. Always think about what you want as a goal and the type of patient you have, as it is focused on age and the results to be achieved.

How does it help?

This is so important that it helps people find a job to make it functional; It is supported by activities that show or awaken effective and motivating methods for the human being in carrying out a specific task.

Why is occupational therapy recommended?

Because at some point we all need it, whether we are born or in old age. In the case of children, they are supported to be an independent child and gradually stop depending on mom and dad.

What is the culture of occupational therapy like?

It is really very little, because many know it until they need it, because there are also people who believe that it is focused only on certain people with some disabilities, there are also those who do not even know the profession.

the also therapist at the Tamaulipas Comprehensive Rehabilitation Center (CRIT), indicated that in cases with certain conditions such as cerebral palsy; The family is taught how to move it, the postures, the feeding times that help people have movement. Thus, improving their quality of life by up to 80%.

Sharon De Hita Barojas, occupational therapist, recommends some actions to the population that you can take to improve certain actions that you think you are doing well and that could affect your body.

Posture while sleepingThere are those who use too many pillows to sleep, forgetting about other areas such as the lower back and others below the knees.

Your posture for sitting, it should be a 90 degree posture; avoiding hanging your feet, having the backrest far back and standing on tiptoe.

the Occupational therapy is also responsible for making orthoses and prostheses., which serve to improve posture in the case of children with cerebral palsy, as their posture is always very rigid. This helps in getting movement and noise.

the Occupational therapy also evaluates the environment of children with disabilities in schools. Here to carry out the assessments and recommendations in question for measures of ramps, handrails; as well as noise tolerance, classroom lighting to create a schedule for the teacher to work with the child.

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