What is bipolar disorder in men, women and children


Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by extreme mood changes. Symptoms can include a very high mood called mania. It can also include episodes of depression. health line Bipolar disorder is also known as bipolar illness or manic depression.

People with bipolar disorder may have difficulty managing daily activities at school, at work, or in maintaining relationships. There are symptoms you should know about bipolar disorder, which are:

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder in Women

Men and women are diagnosed with bipolar disorder in equal numbers. However, the main symptoms of the disorder can differ between the sexes. In many cases, a woman can develop bipolar disorder:

She is diagnosed later in life, between the ages of 20 and 30

1: They have moderate episodes of mania.

2: depressive episodes rather than manic episodes.

3: Has four or more episodes of mania and depression in a year, which is called a fast bike.

4: Experience other conditions at the same time, including thyroid disease, obesity, anxiety disorders and migraines

5: They have a higher risk of developing an alcohol use disorder.

6: Women with bipolar disorder may also relapse more often. This is thought to be caused by hormonal changes related to menstruation, pregnancy or menopause.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder in Men

Both men and women suffer from common symptoms of bipolar disorder. However, men can experience symptoms differently than women. Men with bipolar disorder can develop:

1: more severe episodes, particularly manic episodes.

2: You have drug abuse problems.

3: Men with bipolar disorder are less likely than women to seek medical attention on their own. They are also more likely to die from suicide.

Bipolar disorder in children

1: Acting too silly and being overly happy.

2: Speak fast and quickly change topics.

3: You have trouble concentrating or concentrating.

4: Doing risky things or trying risky behavior.

5: A mood that is too short leads quickly to outbursts of anger.

5: Difficulty sleeping and not feeling tired after lack of sleep.

6: Depression or act with great sadness.

7: sleep too much or too little.

8: Lack of energy for normal activities or no signs of interest in anything.


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