What is angina pectoris and how to recognize the signs


What is angina pectoris? How to identify it and what to do in case of pain? Vincent, a Europa 1 auditor whose neighbor was hospitalized for angina, asked on Thursday why this disease, which has nothing to do with angina, required hospitalization. Dr. Jimmy Mohamed gives him details about this heart disease on the show Without appointment.

Coronary artery disease

“This sore throat has nothing to do with the mild sore throat that we all experience during the change of seasons. Also called” angina “, angina is a disease of the heart, coronary arteries that makes it that the blood circulates less well due to cholesterol plaque, thus preventing oxygen from reaching the heart. Angina is manifested by chest pain, which is particularly felt when exerting excessive effort, and can lead to long term, a real heart attack or heart attack.

Stable and unstable “angina”

There are two types of angina. Stable angina, which occurs during moderate exertion and whose pain stops when exertion stops and unstable angina, which can occur as soon as the person takes a few steps, or even the pain of which will wake him up at night. This unstable angina occurs mainly in people with cardiovascular risk factors, such as overweight, high blood pressure, cholesterol, tobacco, or diabetes, which predispose to heart disease.

What to do in case of pain?

Often the signs of angina go unnoticed, there is a form of silent ischemia, so much so that in three out of four cases the person does not realize they have angina. However, if in case of exertion, whatever it may be, a gravity appears as a bar at the level of the stomach, or in the center of the chest, radiating to the left arm or even the jaw, it is absolutely necessary to consult in case of doubt.

Also, if the pain does not stop within two minutes of the end of the effort, it is imperative to call 15, to avoid seeing a potential angina pectoris escalate into a heart attack. “

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