What is Advent and when does it start?


Advent is the time to prepare to celebrate Christmas and it begins four Sundays before this holiday. It also marks the beginning of the new Catholic liturgical year and this 2020 will begin Sunday 29th November.

Advent comes from the Latin “ad-venio”, which means “to come, to arrive”. It starts on the Sunday closest to the San Andrés Apóstol festival (November 30) and lasts for four weeks.

Advent is divided into two parts: the first two weeks are used to meditate on the Lord’s final coming, when the end of the world occurs; while the next two serve to reflect specifically on the birth of Jesus and his irruption into the history of man at Christmas.

Advent in 1 minute

Many companies are already wearing Christmas decorations and bombarding us with advertisements. Here we explain what Advent really is and who our heart should be.

Posted by ACI Prensa on Wednesday 18 November 2015

Advent wreaths are placed in temples and homes, and a candle is lit every Sunday. Likewise, the ornaments and tablecloths of the priest’s altar are purple as a symbol of preparation and penance.

Many Catholics know about Advent, but perhaps worries at work, school exams, rehearsals with the choir or Christmas theater, setting up the crib or manger, and buying gifts, make you forget the truth. sense of this time.

For this ACI Prensa has prepared a special section with various resources to experience Advent, including how to assemble the crown and bless it, the family liturgy for every Sunday, videos, prayers, images, the Advent Rosary, reflections of Saint John Paul II, etc.

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