What is a tension headache? Causes, symptoms and tips for dealing with it


Tension headaches are caused by the stress you experience as part of modern life and cause a feeling of breakdown in most people.

Tension headache. Previously known by many standard terms such as stress headache, psychogenic muscle headache, and muscle twitch headache, the international classification of headache diagnosis has now called it the tension headache type. As the name suggests, some type of mental or muscle tension plays a role in causing this headache.

What are the causes of tension headaches?

According to a site report ” only my health“It is, although the exact cause of tension headaches is unknown, most theories suggest that tension or stress is the root cause of tension headaches.

Most theories suggest that excessive contraction of the face and neck muscles due to increased feelings, both positive and negative, leads to tension headaches and some other triggers include anxiety, hunger, depression, dental problems and smoking.

Signs of a tension headache

Tension headache usually comes in the form of pain as a pulling sensation around the head, and sometimes this headache can occur on both sides of the head or it can be associated with pain behind the eyes, and these are usually mild to moderate in intensity, generally bilateral in position and do not worsen with physical activity. The frequency of these headaches may vary from one to two times per month, but in some cases they may become more chronic. Very rarely it can be associated with symptoms of nausea, vomiting and insensitivity to light and noise.

How to distinguish between tension headache and normal headache?

The other most common type of headache people experience is migraines, usually one-sided, throbbing with specific triggers and mitigating factors.

Migraines are often associated with numbness with mild nausea and vomiting, which disrupt and disrupt your daily routine.

But tension headaches are mild and generally don’t interfere with your practice, people get relief quickly with over-the-counter medications, people rarely seek attention from tension headaches, and tension migraines can sometimes occur. mixed, which is more common in women.

Here are some pain management tips for dealing with a tension headache

Staying hydrated, eating adequate meals at the right time, and cutting down on smoking can help relieve tension headaches.

When the above factors fail to control a headache, prescription drugs can be taken and some vitamins such as riboflavin and coenzyme are known to be Q And magnesium relieves headaches. It may be useful to integrate them.

Other techniques that can help relieve a tension headache include a hot or cold bath, acupressure, or a massage to relieve tension and maintain proper posture.

Some preventative measures for tension headaches

Some simple tips for reducing tension headaches are:

Relaxation Techniques: Hobbies can be the best way to relax. Find time for the activities you love. Like music, dancing, reading or spending time with your pet, all that help with that

Taking your mind off the routine is an excellent relaxation technique.

Rearrange Your Life: In today’s world, it’s hard to have an organized experience. This is only possible if you can prioritize your daily activities and activities.

Healthy Meals and Exercise: This is a must for overall health. .

Sleep well.

Take breaks: Taking time off and avoiding the daily grind is a great way to deal with anxiety.


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