What helps with hair loss? An expert gives hair advice


A moment of horror for many: why does so much hair fall out?  (Image: Getty Images)

A moment of horror for many: why does so much hair fall out? (Image: Getty Images)

Light hair instead of thick: The dermatologist knows why hair sometimes falls out in clumps, when you should go to the doctor and what can work against falling out and for beautiful hair.

In the sink, on the pillow, in the brush – hair everywhere. A sight that can be frightening. However, it is normal for hair to fall out: at some point each hair stops growing, greets the head and regrows a new one. With hair loss, on the other hand, you lose more hair than grow back. The result: the hair becomes lighter, the scalp becomes visible, receding fine lines or a bald back of the head appear.

Anyone who is bothered by this can get to the bottom of the problem and see a doctor. The right contact person is the dermatologist, i.e. a specialist in skin diseases.

There is no need to worry

Dr. med. Pierre de Viragh is such a specialist. Think little of the common rule of thumb that people who lose more than a hundred hairs a day should experience hair loss. It’s not that simple: “You may lose more, but if your hair grows back as a result, it’s not hair loss,” says de Viragh.

Especially with long dark hair, a lot of loose hair in the drain or brush can quickly have a dramatic effect: “Counting this too can drive you crazy,” adds the doctor.

To the person

Dr. med. Viragh Stone

The dermatology specialist has his own practice in Zurich and heads the hair clinic at the University Dermatology Clinic at Inselspital in Bern.

Better: watch relaxed. De Viragh reports that most of his patients are able to realistically assess whether their hair is really shedding.

When is bankruptcy no longer normal?

Some people lose more hair, especially in spring or fall – changing fur, a relic of evolution, is no accident for dermatologists. For them, the deciding factor is whether you have less hair than your peers: “Anyone who gets older loses more and more hair – this is completely normal. But when a young man or woman looks like grandparents, something is wrong, “says de Viragh.

And he explains when it is advisable to see a doctor: “You should be careful if hair loss occurs suddenly or if it progresses rapidly. If two or three years ago you were satisfied with your hair and you are no longer satisfied, you should see a doctor. “

Why does hair fall out?

The dermatologist will then look for the reasons for your hair loss. Aside from normal hair loss, which is a natural part of aging, there are many different causes that are taken into consideration. For example: genetic predisposition, hormonal changes, thyroid disorders, autoimmune diseases and inflammatory skin diseases that cause hair loss. “Even a high fever, whether it’s caused by Covid or something else, can lead to hair loss,” de Viragh said.

The different causes are treated in various ways by the specialist, for example with hormone therapy or anti-inflammatory drugs. Stress can also be another possible cause of hair loss. However, not as a result of hectic daily life, de Viragh points out, but rather in the case of far-reaching life events that stress and strain: bullying, unemployment, divorce, grief.

According to the expert, only an over-the-counter product helps reliably

There are numerous shampoos, pills, and tinctures available in drug stores that are designed to help with hair loss. But the dermatologist’s verdict is clear: “A waste of money”! Because the products should reach the hair roots, which are deep in the skin. But they couldn’t do it. De Viragh is also critical of dietary supplements: “These pills make the most of beautiful hair, but no more hair.”

One active ingredient that has been shown to be effective, however, is minoxidil. The remedy for baldness especially helps with hereditary hair loss, which in men often manifests itself in the beginning with the receding hairline and in women rather announces the hair loss on the top of the head.

Minoxidil preparations are available in pharmacies without a prescription, mainly as a foam or solution that are applied directly to the scalp and are intended to slow down hair loss. Sometimes the hair grows back even after one application. But a note is important for the doctor: “Anyone who uses this active ingredient binds forever. If you stop using products containing minoxidil, your hair will fall out massively. “

How to get beautiful and healthy hair

In addition to the right hair loss treatment, the specialist also knows tips for healthy hair care – and these are quite trivial: avoid permanent waves, dyes and tight hairstyles, avoid the sun and always rinse the salt water well after a swim in the sea. After washing your hair, you can occasionally use a conditioner to protect it. Instead, what to avoid urgently: rub wet hair with a towel.

According to experts, if you stick to the recommendations, the risk of your hair drying out and breaking can be minimized. This way the braid does not thin due to incorrect care.

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