What foods should be eaten to resist diabetes?


Jean-Marie Touma –

If you have diabetes, it is important to maintain a healthy diet that is appropriate for your condition. Diabetes is a disturbance in the process of sugar absorption, use and storage, which leads to high blood sugar levels.

Here are the foods to choose to control blood sugar levels and avoid complications related to this chronic disease, as reported by the French “C News”:

Spinach has a very low calorie content, a low glycemic index and is high in soluble fiber, according to “CNN”. On the one hand, this plant is rich in lipoic acid, which is a powerful antioxidant that balances the elimination of blood sugar. As dietitian Jean-Michel Cohen explains, “The consumption of fiber is essential because it has a saturating power and any weight gain is bad for diabetics.”

the garlic
Garlic is not recommended for the breath, but it is a valuable ally for our health, especially for diabetics, as it helps the liver to regulate excess blood sugar. Its active ingredients also help thin the blood and dissolve small clots in the vessels.

Red, green, or yellow apples are a favorite food for managing diabetes. It contains little glucose, its main sugar is fructose, has a low glycemic index and insulin. The peel and seeds of the apple also contain pectin, a soluble fiber that helps reduce the intestinal absorption of sugars and fats.

Another food to put on your plate: avocado. In addition to being a source of monounsaturated fatty acids, which have an effect in lowering the level of “bad” cholesterol, this fruit contains “vitamin K”. Essential for blood clotting, it helps regulate blood sugar and plays a role in preventing the development of type 2 diabetes.

sweet potato
Finally, on the list of foods to eat is the sweet potato. It helps regulate sugar levels by reducing insulin resistance and contains abundant antioxidants useful for diabetes. Among these are anthocyanins and carotenoids which are specifically capable of neutralizing free radicals, which cause cell erosion, and can above all increase the suffering of diabetes.

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