What Foods Are Best Sources of Vitamin D?



What Foods Are Best Sources of Vitamin D?

Jill Wellington Photo: Pexels

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Vitamin D helps keep bones and teeth strong, while keeping muscles healthy. Experts have revealed that you can increase vitamin D in the body by eating certain foods.

Many people decide to take a daily vitamin D supplement during the winter months, but a deficiency can also be avoided by simply eating certain foods.

Which foods are the best sources of vitamin D?

Oily fish is one of the best foods for vitamin D, according to the British National Health Administration (NHS).

These include oily fish, salmon, herring, sardines, tuna, and many others.

For example, fresh herring can provide up to 5 mg of vitamin D, in a 100-gram serving. This is half of the NHS recommended daily vitamin D intake during the winter.

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Beef liver is another great source of vitamin D, along with other types of red meat.

And if you don’t eat fish or meat, you should consider adding more whole eggs to your diet.

Most of the protein is found in egg whites, but the yolk contains a large amount of vitamin D.

One egg yolk contains about 1 mg of vitamin D.

The National Health Service said: “Vitamin D helps control the amount of calcium and phosphate in our body. Both are essential for healthy bones, teeth and muscles. Vitamin D is found naturally in some foods, including oily fish, red meat, liver and egg yolks “. Eggs are also found in fortified foods such as breakfast cereals and fats. “

Dietary sources of vitamin D include:

• Blue fish – such as salmon, sardines and herring.

Red meat.


• yolk.

Fortified foods, such as some spreads and cereals.

Source: Express

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