What effects does imprisonment have on the chronically ill? Study Provides “Rather Reassuring” Results


With the Covid-19 epidemic, Dijon University Hospital has received numerous donations, intended for research. “We received in particular an envelope of 75,000 euros paid by the DFCO (Dijon football Côte-d’Or)”, underlines Florence Martel, director of research at the CHU.

Thanks to these resources, twelve research projects have been funded, including the Cléo CD project. The goal: to determine whether, in patients suffering from a chronic disease (multiple sclerosis, AMD, chronic respiratory failure, etc.), confinement had a negative effect on behavior and health.

In all, 1,342 patients were interviewed by telephone after four weeks of imprisonment. “The results were quite reassuring,” comments Mathieu Boulin, clinical pharmacist at CHU, coordinator of the Cléo CD study:

  • 1% of patients stopped taking their medications and 1% of patients did not show up for a doctor’s appointment – in both cases, for fear of Covid;
  • 5% of patients also described psychological distress;
  • hygienic-dietary rules are less respected. Half of the patients reduced their daily physical activity by 25% or more, half gained weight (over 2 kg), and 40% increased their screen exposure by 25% or more.

Women are more at risk than men

What consequences can be drawn when the second wave is here? There are, the hospital doctor emphasizes, “patient profiles” who, having less adherence to their care and hygiene standards recommended to them, “would require better follow-up”. This is the case, “surprisingly”, “of women, rather old, alone and in the city” who are most at risk during episodes of imprisonment.

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For the leadership of the CHU, this research work highlighted the flaws of its telemedicine organization. “Not all services are equipped to carry out a teleconsultation that respects the regulatory frameworks, stresses Florence Martel. Because whoever says that teleconsultation means declaration to the regional health authority, a key letter to be able to codify the documents and be reimbursed, agrees to have to patients, in short, an entire organization that is anything but trivial. And, of course, there were exemptions during hospitalization to manage the emergency, but the real teleconsultation has to be a little organized and professionalized. This is what we must now arrive “.

Alexandra Caccivio


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