What does Antioquia need to lift the hospital’s red alert?


The occupation of Intensive care beds it remains above 80% in Antioquia, il hospital red alert You have active alarms, but what does it take to return to the orange alarm? Here we explain.

The occupancy of beds in the ICU over 80% is not the only reason for having declared the hospital red alert in the ward, according to the Secretariat of Health of Antioquia, congestion in the emergency services, in general hospitalization; the overflow of home health services with insurers; telemedicine visits and an increase in the request for covid exams also require the declaration.

Antioquia Health Secretary Lina Bustamante insisted that the over-service has even forced the transfer of patients to other regions such as Urabá and Córdoba.

The secretary explains that this red alert is different from the one declared in July, because today the department is suffering not only from the overflow of health services but also from the increase in the contagion curve, so the return to the orange alert depends on several factors. .

For now, new ICU beds are being activated in Medellín, Antioquia has grown from 480 beds at the start of the pandemic to 1,185 today.

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