What are the symptoms of food allergy in children?


Allergic diseases in babies can begin from the neonatal period and continue into infancy. Assoc. Specialist in Pediatric Immunology and Allergic Diseases, who stated that although the substances that cause allergies and the problems they cause change as the child grows, the allergy continues to exist. Dr. Mehmet Yaşar Özkars said it can be seen as atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis or asthma.


Noting that the cause of allergies in the early stages of life are food allergies, Assoc. Dr. Mehmet Yaşar Özkars said that although the most common allergy-causing foods are cow’s milk, egg and wheat flour allergy, in theory, allergies can occur to all foods and patients with enterocolitis due to allergies. Multiple food products meet more and more every day.


Atopic dermatitis, which usually presents with dry, itchy, red lesions on the cheeks in the first two months of life, can have symptoms due to the passage of allergens in the mother’s food to the baby, even in babies who are only breastfed. Stating that this situation can occur when supplemental foods are given to a 6 month old baby or it can lead to an increase in existing complaints, Assoc. Dr. Mehmet Yaşar Özkars, As the child grows, the cheeks improve; He said the same stubborn, itchy skin disorders can occur behind the knee and in the elbow.

Stating that the first symptoms in infants are redness and itching, Assoc. Dr. Özkars said the following about the situations that can be experienced in children with allergies; “If our newborn baby is allergic in nature and a food allergy has occurred, the results of red, itchy dermatitis on the cheeks are usually first seen when they are 1-2 months old. This can occur with or without. dermatitis only with disorders of the digestive system. “Disorders of the gastrointestinal system are usually compared with persistent crying due to severe abdominal pain, diarrhea with mucus, or sometimes removal of bloody stools.”



Emphasizing that in patients with atopic dermatitis findings, a detailed history should be taken, allergic blood tests and allergic skin tests should be identified with suspicious food, Assoc. Dr Mehmet Yaşar Özkars said that nutritional restriction can provide relief and thus a definitive diagnosis can be made by re-consuming suspicious foods.

Assoc. Dr Özkars said that likewise, children with intestinal disorders and diarrhea can be diagnosed by observing the complaint status after the necessary tests and consuming the suspicious food after recovery. Assoc. Dr Özkars said: “Considering that the allergy could be improved during regular checkups, if it is seen that the allergy is resolved by testing the food under the supervision of the physician, it is possible to start consuming the food in question. Most patients with food allergies recover over time, but as food allergies improve, a group of patients can develop house dust mites, molds, pollen allergies, and cat and dog epithelial allergies, which we call aerodynamic allergens. These allergies can cause atopic dermatitis as well as recurring episodes of coughing and wheezing and allergic rhinitis, “he said. (DHA)

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