What a misfortune! He broke his penis during sex! How did it happen


“We were both very hot and at one point Adam moved behind me and entered me. I put my palms on the pillow and arched my back in pleasure … when suddenly I felt something break. I got scared. and I turned to Adam, who was standing in front of me in shock. Much blood was flowing from his penis and it had split in two. Agonizing, Adam ran into the bathroom, I followed closely. He was sick. Then I realized what it was. happened: I broke his manhood. The pain was unbearable and Adam passed out after hitting his head on the sink. That’s when I called for help. There was blood all over the room, “Megan told The Mirror.

Since the beginning of the year and so far, 18 men have arrived in the emergency room with a broken penis in Britain. Brazilian researchers recently discovered that the most dangerous position for the penis is “it on top”. Adam said during the interview: “It was the strongest pain I’ve experienced in my life. No doubt it was because it cannot be described in words. And if we add to this the fact that I only get sick when I see a drop of blood, you have to understand how I felt in those moments “.

After calling Salvare, Megan called her boyfriend’s best friend. “I called Tom to advise me on what to do. I said curtly,” I broke Adam’s manhood. “I had become hysterical because of the panic that had taken me. I had never experienced such a thing before,” he said. “Adam was lying naked in a pool of blood on the floor, passing out. I was stained with blood on my hands and face. It was a scene worthy of a horror movie. That’s how the paramedics found us,” Megan said.

“I was ashamed to tell them the truth and ran scared to lock myself in the bathroom. I was still in shock because I couldn’t accept that I had just broken his penis. The ambulances tried to explain to me what had happened, but I didn’t understand anything. I was told, “added the English woman. The next three months were an unimaginable torment for Adam. He could barely walk on two legs due to the pain.

“I searched the Internet for advice to help me fix my faulty penis. Four months after the accident, I went to a private clinic for help. I was desperate because I didn’t know if there were any complications. I found out from the doctors that the fractured penis recovers after a specific operation, “he said.

After several specific treatments, the penis started working again. But only recently did Adam and Megan manage to have sex again. “The most traumatic thing is the shock of that moment. Fortunately, the fracture heals over time, but the shock always follows you. I have nightmares and I can barely get close to my girlfriend. I’m afraid they will break it again”, he added Adam. Since he had broken his penis, the only sexual position they had ever practiced was “from behind, sideways”. “I’m a terrible lover. I can’t believe I broke my boyfriend’s penis. I don’t know how to get my revenge on him,” Megan added.

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