Werder Bremen-Zoff under contract Frank Baumann – says sporting director!


Bremen – And suddenly Frank Baumann was advertising himself. After answering questions about upcoming talks about a contract extension at SV Werder Bremen’s online press conference ahead of Bayern’s game with the usual “I’m-very-relaxed” statements, he then released some interesting remarks.

Because they have shown that the subject moves him more than he wants to admit. The criticism of him and the skepticism with which many fans have been addressed by the supervisory board extension of the contract Accompanied by him, the manager of Sport des SV Werder Bremen apparently to the counter-speech.

The past few years have provided “extremely difficult starting conditions,” he led Frank Baumann up. But along with that supervisory board “many good decisions have been made”. And referring to the crisis, the relegation battle and the crown pandemic, he said: “I believe we have shown that we can handle such difficult situations well and that we can position Werder very well for the future.”

Werder Bremen: Frank Baumann follows the dispute between Marco Bode and Willi Lemke

Some of these can be answered in the affirmative, but some evidence has yet to be provided. Frank Baumann would like to do so and can ask the prime minister Marco Bode count. He wants to get into contractual negotiations promptly and therefore has the contradiction of the former Werder boss Willi Lemke caused. Baumann has followed the discussion, but does not feel crushed between two millstones.

“It was similar in 2016,” recalls the 45-year-old. A supervisory board that went through staff changes five months later gave him one to contract as CEO, and has worked well with both the old and the new cast. However, there were doubts about his person even then. So from his point of view the current situation is not a problem and “it is not a completely new feeling”.

Werder Bremen: Frank Baumann does not set a time limit when it comes to contract extensions

Marco Bode wants the new contract with Frank Baumann ideally finish it this year, but share this race Sports director of the SV Werder Bremen not: “Even if the general meeting had been held, discussions would not have started immediately. It would have dragged on a bit. You also have to assume that you have to sit down several times. So I don’t want to set a time limit. Whether we have passed by Christmas is not decisive “.

However, the term of the new can be decisive To contract. Three years would be normal. Under certain circumstances, however, a one-year degree is an option for Bode. This would give a possibly newly formed supervisory board with only a slight delay the opportunity to freely use the Sports Director to be able to decide. Baumann finds his composure on this subject: “I will discuss it with the Supervisory Board when the time comes.” (Csa)

To the last message of November 19, 2020:

Werder Bremen: Marco Bode retorts his critic Willi Lemke on the question of Frank Baumann

Bremen – That Frank Baumann of all people would become a subject of contention at Werder Bremen was unthinkable for many years. As a player, an oasis of peace in the fast-paced professional business, a cautious captain. As a manager, then as a man with a good hand at the beginning, but whose recent decisions have not been happy at all.

But is not the point in a dispute that has flared up on him, but not, strictly speaking, on him. Because the current chairman of the supervisory board Marco Bode and his predecessor in office Willi Lemke are being compared on whether the Baumann contract, which expires in the summer, will be included in the near future even without a new supervisory board will soon be elected Werder Bremen can be extended. Bode says yes and takes the necessary steps. Lemke says: Stop, it doesn’t work that way.

In an interview with DeichStube, the 74-year-old described the supervisory board’s planned approach as an “affront to the new supervisory board and the general meeting.” The background is the general meeting, which has been postponed from November to next spring, when supervisory board elections are scheduled. If now the old one supervisory board If a new supervisory board were to take away the opportunity to make a decision, Lemke would have “considerable doubts” that he was “authorized” to do so.

Werder Bremen: Marco Bode sees time pressure as he extends his contract with manager Frank Baumann

That’s so much you can say. Because there is nothing in the statute of the association that prohibits this procedure. But that’s not what we’re looking at Marco Bode he calls or what he argues with. The former national player worries about the leadership’s ability to act. “How supervisory board we have come to the conclusion that it would be remiss not to make the decision now. We cannot wait until two months before the end of the season to clarify such an important issue, ”explains the 51-year-old.

The election of the supervisory board, postponed due to the effects of the crown pandemic can not be rescheduled until March, possibly not until April. If there are. In June the contract of Frank Baumann. So Bode sees the time pressure under which the Supervisory Board – whether with the old or the new composition – would come. Especially since the new representatives in the supervisory body should first form an opinion on Baumann’s work.

Werder Bremen: Two posts have already been decided on the new supervisory board

So it’s best to extend it now, but maybe just for a year: it could be a compromise solution. The one currently valid to contract With Frank Baumann had been closed for three years, again choosing such a long term does not seem necessary under the circumstances. An agreement initially by 2022 to give a new supervisory board one year late freedom of choice is “conceivable option”, confirmed Marco Bode: “But we haven’t made any commitments yet.” Talks with Baumann will begin shortly and, according to the supervisory board’s request, will end before Christmas.

Regardless of the pending elections, it is already clear that two of the current six members will remain on the Supervisory Board. The SV Werder Bremen confirmed to DeichStube what Willi Lemke had indicated in the interview: The two places where the “eV”, therefore the nucleus of the association, in supervisory board and which are not assigned by election continue to be occupied by Axel Plaat and Marco Fuchs. The Presidio Club agreed on this at its last meeting. (csa)

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